
The Stuff of Legends

So, you want to be famous. Then be prepared for some competition as even monsters can aspire to greatness in Legendary Heroes, the just-revealed first expansion for Stardock's dark turn-based strategy gem, Fallen Enchantress.

A Return To Olden Ways

Heathens, we see, and to rule they come. Dangerous and adventurous times lie ahead for those who embrace the upcoming fourth expansion to Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods, for these deities will have their followers ruthlessly amassing power and wealth.

Ahoy There!

Be ye prepared for some broadsides, maties? Well then, ready or not, Pieces Interactive's Leviathan: Warships has just been reported as being on approach to these waters with some welcomed tactical naval warfare action to offer.

Out Of The Box

The secrets of Pandora: First Contact slowly unravel. We were there when it was initially revealed, back in April 2012, and now, after a long period of radio silence Proxy Studios' ambitious sci-fi 4X turn-based strategy game uncloaks once again to broadcast an open beta.

Grab Your Piece

Things are heating up at Membraine Studios. The developers are currently conducting a funding assault on Desura and are now taking pre-orders for Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire.

Free to Haunt

Undeath becomes you in Skulls of the Shogun. The just released skull-powered turn-based strategy game created by 17-BIT has us all soldiering on in samurai afterlife at long last.

A Shadowy Subject

In keeping to the darkness shall you thrive. Even if Mr.Eskil Steenberg's new venture, codenamed Dark Side of the Moon, has itself already come to light without much fanfare, we feel more people should be aware of its glimmer.

Siege To Come

We reinforce the ramparts. To close any eventual gaps in your strategic knowledge we bring Citadels to your attention; a real-time strategy game being developed by Bratislava-based Games Distillery.

A Gleaming Revelation

We notice a prestigious gathering on the horizon. It's an assembly that will go under the banner of Total War Shogun 2 Gold Edition, now announced by Sega.

Verging on Operational

No matter where you're stationed, always be prepared for active duty. Whether you're caught off-guard or not, the unexpected announcement of a new expansion for Battle Academy, titled Operation Husky, demands your fullest attention.

Seeds of Greatness

Even proud, mighty empires must start somewhere. You shall soon be given a chance to experience the troubled beginnings of one such major world power in Alea Jacta Est - Birth of Rome, a turn-based grand strategy game.

An Accruing Of Might

There are new tidings in the world of Spectromancer. The online fantasy card game created by Richard Garfield alongside other veteran game designers has just been graced with a novel expansion.

Plummeting Metal of Unfairness

No, this is in no way related to your national currency. It's a different business altogether that of DataSmugglers' Ironfell, a multiplayer strategy game where no fairness need apply; or so we hear.

En Guarde!

There's no containing it anymore. Yes, the truth is out there and all that, but we're not supposed to let it in, especially since we're here to beat back the aliens and stalwartly defend humanity in Defense Grid: Containment the latest expansion for Defense Grid: The Awakening.

Celestial Body Obliteration Tease

Ready to ravage a planet or ten? Sooner rather than later, of course, and that's what Uber Entertainment is tantalizingly offering those willing to pre-order their upcoming real-time strategy game Planetary Annihilation.