Out With A Bang

by on 27th Feb 2013

They are bringing out the Wunderwaffen. Just when you thought the fighting was at an end, the last of the Grand Campaign series of content packs for Panzer Corps is brought to bear by Matrix Games and Slitherine for a magnificent finale in GC '45 West.

Surrounded by enemies on all sides, the once mighty German Wehrmacht faces ultimate defeat on the eve of 1945. Little do the Allies suspect that deep underground in secret bunkers, German scientists and engineers have built an arsenal of wonder weapons to turn the tide of the war!

Armed with the last Wehrmacht reserves and these new weapons, Germany launches Operation Wacht am Rhein in a final attempt to end the war favorably.  Will fate run its course with an inevitable German defeat, or can you lead your forces to victory in the Battle of the Bulge... and beyond!

The DLC contains 5 new units including the V1, V2 and advanced jet aircraft such as the Gotha, 18 all-new scenarios that utilizes the new features implemented in Panzer Corps: Afrika Korps as well as the latest content updates. Players can import their core force from the previous campaigns, or alternatively use a preset core force and play each of the campaigns on its own or jump in at any year.

Simultaneously, the base game itself has been updated with several fixes and improvements, which include enhancements in user interface, controls and modding possibilities. For a complete rundown of what is being implemented with version 1.13 see the changelog here.

This DLC pack has all it takes to have you making your last stand and can now be found in supply from either the Slitherine or Matrix Games HQs.

