Mercs Incoming

by on 4th Jan 2013

They'll be raiding your browser, soonish. Ecol Tactics Online is a just-announced turn-based strategy game with a cool retro attitude that will have you going tactical with a team of mercenaries in a multiplayer online world.

Producer Elliott Coward had the following to say:

The first thing players will notice is the retro style of graphics; the game is designed around pixel art on beautiful backdrops (...)

From there players will dive straight into their own story of mercenaries, where the intrigue of the kingdom is thick and the future is foggy at best.

We are promised an epic storyline that will extend across four different continents with many quests and unique events, deep character customization, skill crafting, equipment upgrades, and personalized costumes, all characters so being unique to their players.

There's also indication that a closed beta will be starting later this month, so the monster slaying may well come to a browser near you before long.

Official word for now is that the game will be "Launching early 2013".
