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Digital download Pre-Orders are now up


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Well, Facebook told me the digital distribution networks have the pre-order available this morning, so very first thing I did after waking up was get my order in! The steam version comes with the Elite Soldier pack, some TF2 items (................) and a free copy of Civ V. Not too shabby I guess.
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Haha at price of 50 EUR that is serious price range sorry but that Digital Version is as expensive as Special Edition. So yeah free civ my ass... Oh and wait there is more. There are 3 steps of those bonuses. These steps are unlocked after certain pre-orders number is reached. Step 1. Elite Soldier pack. Step 2 TF2 stuff. Step 3. "Free" Civ". The only one bonus I would like to have is the ability to connect my boxed version with steam account.



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I have to agree that the Steam pre-order bonuses are quite underwhelming indeed.


Reality check: silly TF2 trinkets and a sold-to-death Civ V really don't cut the mustard as incentives go.


This, coupled with such a high price, just makes it a big no-no.


Physical Special Edition For The Win.




Right now the only valid reason that I can think of to pre-order a digital version is the quickness in access to the game on the release date.

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