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TFTD Extender


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Your welcome guys. The funny thing is that I didn't plan to fix the animation speeds, I just happened upon the right section of code while researching another issue.


Someone mentioned this once, but if anyone has an account on Steam, I would appreciate if you could mention the Extender there. I've already announced it with the other forums with which I'm registered.

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Hey there, Tycho!


I just wanted to say that what you are doing here is a great favor for me personally and for all the X-COM fans out there! It's such a pleasure to see people that are still working to improve classic titles such as TFTD.


You're doing a great job, thank you!

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I stumbled upon few bugs today:

When I move soldiers up and down on Craft Equipment screen, it seems like it only moves their names and maybe appearance, but their stats sometimes remain on the same slot and sometimes switch to some other slot (definitely not random as it's possible to reverse it).


Also when initial base layout is changed the slot where the Air-Lock should be is empty.

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I stumbled upon few bugs today:

When I move soldiers up and down on Craft Equipment screen, it seems like it only moves their names and maybe appearance, but their skills sometimes remain on the same slot and sometimes switch to some other slot (definitely not random as it's possible to reverse it).

Also when initial base layout is changed the slot where the Air-Lock should be is empty. I wonder what happens if martians will try to attack the base like this...


I'll have a look at the soldier thing. When I changed the initial base layout, from the feedback I got from Dark, I misspelled Airlock. Check the spelling on the base layout in the INI: it should be AirLock. If you don't spell the module correctly (including the caps) that will happen. I fixed it and it'll be in a later patch.


Check your soldier stats and see if its the reaction and melee accuracy that aren't being swapped correctly. The array for the stats in SOLDIER.DAT is 2 bytes larger in TFTD and the swap character function still used the entry size for EU. I fixed that too.


Good catches 2pizza!

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This patch will fix the problem where not all the soldier's stats are being properly moved when you change their order in the craft.

And for daqing: if you add "Modify Hallucinoid Range Attack=0" to the [bug Fix] section of the INI, the Hallucinoid will still have its turrent weapon but it will become the default settings in the executable, which should make it a ranged killing attack. I did this since I want to keep to Seb's idea that the Extender/loader won't conflict with other people's data mods. Or at least, people have the option to disable any stat changes made be Extender (in the rare cases I do that) so it doesn't conflict.




Edited by Tycho
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Check your soldier stats and see if its the reaction and melee accuracy that aren't being swapped correctly. The array for the stats in SOLDIER.DAT is 2 bytes larger in TFTD and the swap character function still used the entry size for EU. I fixed that too.


Good catches 2pizza!

Yes, it was exactly as you said. Not sure why I thought that all stats remained on the same position during the swap, but you found the problem anyway. And now with the new patch everything works as it should.

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20 technicians making 20 units of Gauss Ammo reports 0/5 days/hours in the manufacturing screen, but I counted the number of hours roughly it took, it was around 18 hours. Do I misunderstand something about the manufacturing screen?


Otherwise the manufacturing screen says it takes 5 technician hours per unit, and 2 space.


Edit : Ok, good. I understand your post that comes after mine.

I finally found the code and, as expected, they never updated the hourly production algorithm. Whatever I can get to work is still going to be imperfect since the data files only store whole numbers. At worse, there will be some wasted time but I will be able to get more use out of all those technicians.

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What/in what way do you want me to test? I used this new patcher.dll just now and did this :

I was lucky and by chance started manufacturing at 00:00 : the start of a new day.

20 gauss cannon rounds, utilizing 20 technicians.seemed to take 20 hours, it stopped and notified me at 20:00. The manufacturing screen still displays 0/5 days/hours to complete this batch.


Manufacturing progress seems to be only calculated 'on the hour', but I am almost sure plenty of people already mentioned that on ufopaedia.org as normal for the game.


The mouse was not clipped to the window in windowed mode with both options enabled, or either option enabled individually.

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What/in what way do you want me to test? I used this new patcher.dll just now and did this :

I was lucky and by chance started manufacturing at 00:00 : the start of a new day.

20 gauss cannon rounds, utilizing 20 technicians.seemed to take 20 hours, it stopped and notified me at 20:00. The manufacturing screen still displays 0/5 days/hours to complete this batch.


Manufacturing progress seems to be only calculated 'on the hour', but I am almost sure plenty of people already mentioned that on ufopaedia.org as normal for the game.


The mouse was not clipped to the window in windowed mode with both options enabled, or either option enabled individually.


Well, I've downloaded and tested UFOloader v1.22 which was seb's last version and clip cursor doesn't work there either. Scale mouse works for me but I can't test D3D and HQ4x to see if there is something about the scaling and the resolution..

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It's not an inconvenience that it doesn't work for me, since all mouse movement works fine for me in d3d mode with fullscreen. But out of curiosity I wonder too if anyone else has the same problem. I am happy to test more if you make any more changes though.
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This patch will fix the problem where not all the soldier's stats are being properly moved when you change their order in the craft.

And for daqing: if you add "Modify Hallucinoid Range Attack=0" to the [bug Fix] section of the INI, the Hallucinoid will still have its turrent weapon but it will become the default settings in the executable, which should make it a ranged killing attack. I did this since I want to keep to Seb's idea that the Extender/loader won't conflict with other people's data mods. Or at least, people have the option to disable any stat changes made be Extender (in the rare cases I do that) so it doesn't conflict.


That's awesome, thanks man!

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Version 1.04p2

  • Fixes a problem with the Liner and Cargo Ship missions not handling the mission report correctly if a player aborts or loses the mission.
  • Fixes the problem where not all the soldier's stats are being properly moved when you change their order in the craft.
  • Added option to not modify the turrent weapon of the Hallucinoid, so it won't interfer if players want to mod the weapon themselves. Add "Modify Hallucinoid Range Attack=0" to the [bug Fix] section of the INI.

update: New version available. See newer entries in this topic. Thanks for supporting TFTD Extender!

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First of all, thank you Tycho for bringing us the awesome TFTDExtender mod!


I just wanted to point out a small issue I noticed with how the track names are arranged in the custom soundtrack setting in the config file. Basically, the tracks for the theme that plays when you get a "good" or "poor" score on a mission are opposite of what they should be. I've included an attachment with some saves, my configuration settings, and the mp3s in question if you want to test it out yourself. To test, just load Sound Test GOOD and end your turn. For Sound Test BAD, just abort the mission.


It's a very minor issue, and it's easily fixed by switching the names around, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention so that you might consider including it in a future patch. Those are the only tracks that are mixed up as far as I know, the only ones I haven't tested yet is the briefing theme for the Tleth mission, and the one for Base Defense.

Sound Test.zip

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First of all, thank you Tycho for bringing us the awesome TFTDExtender mod!


I just wanted to point out a small issue I noticed with how the track names are arranged in the custom soundtrack setting in the config file. Basically, the tracks for the theme that plays when you get a "good" or "poor" score on a mission are opposite of what they should be. I've included an attachment with some saves, my configuration settings, and the mp3s in question if you want to test it out yourself. To test, just load Sound Test GOOD and end your turn. For Sound Test BAD, just abort the mission.


It's a very minor issue, and it's easily fixed by switching the names around, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention so that you might consider including it in a future patch. Those are the only tracks that are mixed up as far as I know, the only ones I haven't tested yet is the briefing theme for the Tleth mission, and the one for Base Defense.


Thanks but I really can't take all the credit. I'm standing on the shoulders of Seb who built an amazing mod machine in the Extender and Xusalik who did an initial conversion and an amazing job with labeling a lot of the variables and function calls in TFTD. Kryub took Xusalik's work and expanded on it even more. I just came in at the end and polished it all up.


Thanks for the feedback on the sound track file. I'll look into when I get the chance. Thanks for supporting the Extender!


update: Since I can't be sure whether the change in the music was intentional in the PSX version or not, I made a note about the switch in the music section of my UFOpaedia page with the suggestion to manually rename the files if one cares.

Edited by Tycho
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Could someone with Windows 7 and EU (not TFTD) installed, try this alpha version of 1.28 and test to see if clip cursor works correctly in a D3D windowed game. I suggest you rename your original INI before extracting and hopefully have a backup copy of the previous UFOextender available to restore afterwards..


I hopefully have it working!




[update: file removed]

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Not sure how it worked before, but with this version it appears that the cursor can escape just far enough that you get the window resize cursor. If you actually use it (or pull back full control of the mouse by any means, eg Windows button), then as the function description states, the window then unlocks and cursor clip no longer works.
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Hmm, I guess? I use a "classic" theme under XP, which I think is a bit slimmer then standard. I'd test the function on my XP machine now if I wasn't in bed. :P


You can get the cursor to appear along any of the edges other then the top of the game window.



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