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Dead Island Riptide

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Hey hey guys! I did a quick google before coming here and I see FA raised a Dead Island topic back in 2011 which garnered zero replies. I'm hoping that some of our members have actually played the game since then (after the patches tongue.png) and had an enjoyable time with it.


Cos I'm tired of being so excited all on my own! They announced Dead Island Riptide, the next chapter in this series at last week's E3. I'm loving this news because DI is a freaking amazing game!


They haven't said anything much, just wanted some attention at the show I think, but it's confirmed for 360, PS3 and PC and will cost less than 50 bucks off the shelf!


If anyone here cares about this please tell me because I really want someone to jump up and down with. Also do we have any means of contacting Techland at all because Poland is very close to where my friend just happens to be visiting in a few months and I'd KILL for a chance to have a word with some of these guys (and not just the already dead either!)


In the meantime, steam came up with zero hits for a Dead Island Riptide group so I've created a UK one and would love it if any fans of the game would come and join me. Would be nice to bust up some zombies with the SC crew as well, and I never get tired of doing it!


Hit the link to check out the group, hopefully we'll have more info come Summer so join me if you want to be the first to know wink.png


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I'm loving this news because DI is a freaking amazing game!


That is debatable. They announced it as a melee survival zombie game yet guns are true power in this game. I had high hopes for this game. I played it a lot - 80 hours on steam says a lot. But it wasn't that great as left 4 dead 2 - 290 hours on steam.


It is quite ridiculous that the most powerful slashing weapon - the famous Katana just breaks up after few hits and of course guns never jam never get dirty. Although it is nice that they make another story but I am not as optimistic as for the first release.

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True, valid points. But Dead Island and Left 4 Dead 2 are COMPLETELY different games. L4D is all about fast and frantic action, fighting off seemingly endless waves of the infected with no more than a frying pan if you so wish. Dead Island takes a more 'realistic' approach if you'll accomodate the term! Of course you don't want to be in a situation where you're surrounded by zombies and it shouldn't be as easy to kill them as it is in L4D. Dead Island makes every single fight a little more tactical, especially when approaching a group of undead.


One thing I have to totally disagree with is that guns are 'true power' in this game. Personally the only thing I EVER use firearms for is to blow up suiciders. They just downright suck against every other type of undead enemy. It's nice to be able to use them against gangs and such but even if they WERE any good I'd still be happier using melee weapons to bash my way through the horde.


As for playtime I have nearly 160 hours on Dead Island and just a touch over 43 on L4D2 (I'm sure that's not right though, I've played loads of it. I did play a lot on another Steam account though) I have to agree with weapon durability though, only wooden weapons should really deteriorate at all over the course of a game and even then it shouldn't be as fast. But then if that were the case it wouldn't be much of a survival game. It'd be like giving out infinite ammo. I think gun maintenance would be a nice thing to see in a new game though, Far Cry 2 was good for jamming/broken weapons but it always bugged me that there was no way to maintain them (even the gold ones broke eventually!) Swords are ridiculous though, some blades breaking after a couple dozen hits on puny putrid zombies.


I think for me Dead Island provides a much richer co-op experience thanks to the quests that can be done together, the large open world locations (though I only REALLY enjoy playing in the resort) and the RPG elements of the game. Modding is good but crafting would also be a nice touch in a new game and dismantling common items for components would be nice too. L4D horde style games are great fun but essentially they are what they are, get from here to here as fast as possible without dying. I can do that happily enough but there's nothing new each time I play, nothing different. Frankly I get a fairly minimal sense of achievement playing L4D compared to DI so for me it's the better choice but sometimes I'm in a mood to get fast and frantic so both games are still winners with me!


I guess it depends which style of gameplay you prefer and you and I clearly enjoy different ones! If you haven't played the bloodbath Arena DLC in Dea Island though I'd highly recommend it, it's basically a horde mode and is much more L4D for you :D

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You can have unlimited ammo here. Just buy yourself crap load of materials - they are cheap. Play Purna as she can horde ammo, get yourself a good shotgun and modify it with the explosive mod with x3 modifier. Everything just blows when you "fart". While for example playing Xin you will have plenty of trouble as she is the weakest in endurance.


Also here you can fight endless waves of infected. Just go to the closed area in the Town.



And no I will not say it is a bad game. The concept was good, the making mediocre, story very good.


If you are good, you can even exploit leveling up. When you wake up in the hotel in act 1 when you are escaping infected you can jump up on some boxes or whatever there was and kick zombies until you have a decent level since there are level 50 zombies :)


I don't know if my friends will buy Riptide, but probably we will after half a year after release.

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That is not unlimited ammo, that's easy to come by ammo and not the same.


I liked Dead Island, I think it is by far the best zombie game out there; I don't really consider L4D a zombie game because it really isn't. L4D is a great game but aimed at surviving endless waves of monsters, not zombies; sorry but tanks, witches, boomers and their relatives are not zombies, those are just random monsters. That game is a survival game, if you want, but not zombies. Dead Rising (game I didn't like at all) is more of a zombie game than L4D.


That is unless the L4D zombies are the bath-salts variety.


Dead Island, on the other hand, plays you against actual zombies. Slow moving, dumb, zombies.


I want to get the XBox version to start playing again, I got bored when playing the PC version for some reason, but I really enjoyed the tension of the setting.

Great game, which could have been made a bit better, but I forgot the concrete reasons.

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You can have unlimited ammo here. Just buy yourself crap load of materials - they are cheap. Play Purna as she can horde ammo, get yourself a good shotgun and modify it with the explosive mod with x3 modifier. Everything just blows when you "fart". While for example playing Xin you will have plenty of trouble as she is the weakest in endurance.


Yeah of course, Puma is the gun character - of course guns are best for her!


With Xin, machetes, axes and katanas work much better. Naturally! A huge flaming axe works wonders, just like a toxic wakizashi or electric machete.

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That is not unlimited ammo, that's easy to come by ammo and not the same.


Not literally but with workbench every few corners you just replenish it just like that.


Yeah of course, Puma is the gun character - of course guns are best for her!


With Xin, machetes, axes and katanas work much better. Naturally! A huge flaming axe works wonders, just like a toxic wakizashi or electric machete.


But you missed the point that guns don't need maintenance except constant supply of ammo which is cheap and can be done in thousands but bladed weapons are just braking every few chops. You get the final blade weapon in act 4 and after 5 hits it's durability dropped by 1/4th

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I just picked up a level 60 Zed's Demise (the best blade Silencer mentions) and after upgrading it I'm having no problem battling my way through hordes. Unless I'm very much mistaken, Purna has a maximum ammo allowance of 75 pistol rounds right? Sorry if perks can increase this later, I'm only at level 20 something with her atm. Anyway, my point is, I can kill more than 75 zombies with my level 60 Zed's Demise between workbenches, Purna can't because she'll run out of ammo... And yes you could say 'she also has shotgun auto rifle, single rifle and burst rifle' but then my SamB (with the ZD) also has a kanabo which can destroy literally hundreds of zombies without breaking a sweat.


Clearly Purna was the gun specialist, like Knan said. The other characters get a crappy allowance of 50 bullets and the guns generally don't kill anyone outright unless heavily modded. Even Purna won't be headshotting Thugs unless she gets close with a decent shotgun and I think she has only a few dozen ammo for that so you'd kinda want to save it. Whichever way you look at it the game is about 'rationing' because that's what you need in a survival game. They've cut out things like the need for food and water but you still need to manage your most important commodity which is your weapons cache. For players using melee weapons that means frequently repairing broken weapons, for gunslingers it means crafting, finding or buying more ammo. Same difference... I agree that there should be a maintenance mechanic for guns but then the cowboys would have 2 upkeep costs compared to just one for the heavy hitters. Personally I'm all for that as I think gunplay should be discouraged to a degree in Dead Island. Not sure what the gun laws are like down under but I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be so many weapons on this island!


As a parting note, remember Purna was a cop for a long time, that's why she's good with a gun and therefore it makes sense that she'd be able to make her own bullets if the need to learn ever arose. Guess what, it's a zombie apocalypse and the need has arisen :D


But anyway, what about the new game??? Why are we still talking about the original here?! Azrael, if you ever want to revisit the game on PC, hit me up. I always fancy a little co-op zombie smashing and I still have 3 more characters to build up :D

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Anyway, my point is, I can kill more than 75 zombies with my level 60 Zed's Demise between workbenches


Ah you see - this is my point - you can waste 75 ammo from pistol killing 75 zombies. But killing 75 zombies with Xin will leave your Katana heavily broken. Not to mention that repairing your Zed will cost you plenty while making dozen of ammo is extremly cheap not to mention a few bandits here and there.


And don't tell me it ain't possible to headshot Thug - because with right upgrade you can.

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That's true, the repair cost for my ZD is pretty hench now (it's way over 9000 - inside joke XD) while making more bullets is a lot cheaper... I've seen Thug headshots with pride shotguns and the like but never with pistols, but then at level 60, everything is a lot easier than at the lower levels so perhaps a modded level 60 magnum or something would be good for the job ;)
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