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Ghost Recon: Future Soldier War Shoot Fight Kill Gun Tango

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Gust Reckon Fewer Solder or whatever it's called! Here's a YT vid from GameSpot to make us all feel slightly soiled:


This is particularly cringeworthy:


Not quite as tactical as it used to be, seems to be the consensus opinion, but still, it looks a little better than your average fare, and by all accounts the online MP (thanks for those crappy servers, Ubisoft) is very objective-based, it's not about kills. Sadly, the CoD mongs seem to be keen on running about spraying lead everywhere but hey, they die all the quicker for it.


I'm going to be sneaking about and shooting people in the eyes quietly very very soon.


My favourite part? Ze Gunsmiss!


Ahem. The Gunsmith.

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The Gunsmith is a great design idea, switching back and forth from gun design to the firing range makes feedback immediate. Swap a barrel, change trigger, test it, change the stock, optics, test it, repeat. Very satisfying to play around with, and get your weapon just right for the mission ahead.


No local co-op on the campaign is a crying shame, because the local co-op Guerilla mode is AMAZING, really addictive stuff. The multiplayer is basically a different game to the single player, and involves tactics and whatnot. The campaign is just a decent shooting gallery, while the multiplayer is fantastic.

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