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Seeing Red


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Frozen Synapse

Frozen Synapse's DLC, Red, is out now, containing co-op play, the riot shield, 6 additional music tracks by nervous_testpilot, new original music tracks “Deeper” and “Focus” and the infamous “Red Mode” (it makes things red) among a long list of other features.


  • Full co-op for the single player campaign and all new single player content
  • A new unit (riot shield)
  • A new multiplayer game mode (“Upload”)
  • 15 mission single player campaign
  • 10 single player challenge missions
  • Three mutators (gameplay modifiers for advanced users)
  • 6 additional music tracks by nervous_testpilot (2 previously available in the Humble Indie Bundle)
  • MP3 and FLAC download of all Frozen Synapse: Red music
  • Original music tracks “Deeper” and “Focus” unlocked during gameplay
  • “Impeccable Micro” - a chiptune album from _ensnare_ (MP3 and FLAC)
  • The infamous “Red Mode"


And now over to Paul Taylor:


“Co-op has been requested for a long time and we are excited about it,” trumpeted Joint Managing Director Paul Taylor, unexpectedly.  “Players can share plans, suggest possible enemy movements and ping the map to coordinate their strategies.”


“The next big addition is the riot shield: it’s a support unit which allows players to make better use of the terrain,” he continued, unabashed.  “It facilitates some new types of play and also helps to break up stalemates.  It also makes a cool ‘schick’ noise.  Schick!”


Frozen Synapse: Red will be available as a paid update.


A discounted “Complete Pack” with both the base game and expansion pack also launches today.


Both are available on Steam and www.frozensynapse.com, with other distributors following shortly.


But wait, there’s more!


“We are not content to only make stuff that people have to pay extra for!” screamed Taylor ungrammatically, whipping his trousers frantically around his head like a deranged humanoid helicopter.


Three free features have recently been added for all players:


Hotseat Mode

Local multiplayer comes to Frozen Synapse!  Play against another human (or semi-human) using one computer.


Timed Turns

This forces a time-limit on turn submission, a bit like Speed Chess.


Preset Multiplayer Maps

Non-randomised maps for competitive play.



Yes, there is actually free desktop wallpaper available to the world.





The free update is available simply by logging in to Frozen Synapse.


And last but not least, if you haven't read it already then please feel free to check out our recent interview with Paul.

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It is a very impressive list of features, and I love that lots of it is free to non-DLC folks too. There's enough to please everyone, and enough to entice those who don't have it already which is a perfect balance that many, if not all, companies should take note of.
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