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Blocked lift


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Hi there. ^^


I have a problem : I'm doing a mission on a UFO landing site and there is an enemy psionic. I killed every aliens, but I really want to capture this one. The problem is that he is in very small room in his UFO, and the only access to this room is a lift of only one block. He is always standing on it in his floor. He never goes down the lift. I can shoot him, but I always end up killing him. I have a stun rod, but can't use it because he is not on the same floor (obviously). I don't have anything else which could cause stun (except maybe some smoke grenades, but I heard that the stun damages caused by the smoke don't affect aliens), nor sufficient explosives to make a big hole in the room's wall.


What should I do ? How can I make him goes down the lift ? If I can't how can I stun him ?


Thanks in advance. ^^




EDIT : I finally managed to stun him with a shot, but if you have other suggestions for that sort of case (for other people in the same situation), don't hesitate to give them. ^^

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In the later game you can shoot out some floor tiles with a heavy plasma I think and fly up using flying armour, or certainly stun them with the Small Launcher - other than that there's not a lot you can do with stubborn aliens.


It's a shame you can't use the stun rod from below and "probe" them ;)

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Yes, I knew for the plasma, flying armor and small launcher/stun grenades, that's why I said that I have no explosives powerful enough and just stun rod. ^^


But everything is alright, now. Thanks for your answer !

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Hehe, I must have read your post too quick and glossed over that part - glad you're sorted anyway.


I suspect what it all comes down to is that the pathfinding and/or AI didn't work too well for that alien in that part of that ship.

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And that I will need plasma, and a lot of them. ^^


But for now, I'll fire those three psi puppets I discovered during the mission ... One of them found it funny to unload a rocket launcher in the Skyranger and another tried to play "catch the ball" with my assault team and an alien grenade.

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I have to ask what weapons do you wield. If they are lasers well you can hope to load until a shot will stun him not kill but that can never happen (well it will happen eventually but the rarity of it is so small). With Heavy Plasmas that kind of trick is even smaller since the damage spread is even bigger.
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Weak weapons like the pistol or rifle are nice to have on hand in situations like this. Their chance of knocking out an enemy is a little better than with stronger weapons. Very carefully fired autocannon-HE shells might also do the trick. Obviously you'd need to save and reload until it works.


Otherwise, did you try moving away from the lift and letting it come down after you?



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Otherwise, did you try moving away from the lift and letting it come down after you?




Sure, he wasn't moving at all, just playing with the mind of three of my guys.


Welcome to the forum, Furymgs3! Glad you solved the problem.


Thanks, I'll keep an eye on the forum. I like this game, even if it's difficult as hell, I'm not really a good strategist ... ^^

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I had to begin a new game. My third terror mission was with Chrysalids. ^^


For an "easy difficulty", it's not that easy ! Maybe I shouldn't hase spawned all those bases directly from the beginning, especially if I lose them after ...

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