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Oh no! The overspawn is attacking!


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Oddly enough, leaving overspawns alone is quite good for your public relations with some of the organisations in the city. They don't get angry at you for not dealing with it. In fact, they start believing in your cause a heck of a lot more.


It's also an opportunity to regain allies who refuse to help you as long as you oppose their alien friends. They'll still have that stance and will not receive any bribes, but they will hate the aliens' guts. Quite a paradox, but still... And if the overspawn stomps a few sirius buildings flat, you're going to have some very confused allies for the next few weeks. :)


The only time I would recommend killing them yourself is when they just so happen to wander over to one of your facilities and start stomping it flat by accident. They don't particularly want to attack your base, but coincidences can pile up.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Anything that hits a bike will invariably destroy it... And the best way to destroy an overspawn is not to do anything... That I would definitely agree with. Eventually a collapsing building will pt an end to it's ugly parade anyway so who cares if few houses get smashed? There's a million people in Mega Primus anyway. Who's going to miss a few hundred?
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Whatever it was that destroyed that bike, it wasn't the stasis bombs. They don't deal any damage at all. They'll just stun it for a very brief second or so.




Edit: Although I did notice one thing. You can fire them at a building and, while not damaging it, the security forces will pop out. Hmm. Interesting.

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It seems as though everyone just let the overspawn run. I normally just kill the thing (very easy to do) because its an alien and im x-com. Hmm next time i see a overspawn ill just kick back and watch the fireworks. (If they made to overspawn act like a big megaspawn then things would be diffrent. 1 heavy disruptor beam and 1 inverson bomb launcher. That seems like the equivalent to a megaspawn). Now that i think of it, they are kind of cool to watch as they walk aimlessly into buildings. Kind of like a drunk godzilla :laugh:


-PSY GUY- :power:

(Side note: i heard from some place that there is this mission the aliens do called the apocalypse mission in which they try to level the city with everything they have. I've never seen this and i was wondering if anyone has)

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Micronoids are quite a rare alien to encounter. I know of two places where you can definitely find some.


The first alien building will always have some micronoids sloshing about, and the green alien bomber (the one that eats hoverbilkes for breakfast) also has some micronoids supporting the usual anthropod and skeletoid crew.



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