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Sirius-raids with maximum damage


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Hello again,


it seems to be a typhical task for all XCOM-player to raid the Sirius cult, so do I. But my reason for this is not only to get the money for the loot but to cause so much damage, that they have a negative bank balance all the time. This prevent them from raiding my basis.

Normally when entering their buildings I try to reach a room with two big elevators with curtains and two stairs to an area with benches. Then I throw a fire bomb into this area and until I leave their temple this part is completely burned out :devil: . Furthermore I shoot the curtains down and very often the doors between the rooms and parts of the walls are heavily damaged. But in spite of this the balance of the Sirius drops at best by 18000 Dollar...

Does anybody have some nice :angel: or less nice ideas :) how this value can be increased?



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Do it over and over again :) then you earn lots of money too :)

I love raiding them, I have one idea actually but I haven't tested it...

play in real-time and take one of your soldiers, select him too shoot on something 20 metres away and then he will miss many times so he will shoot on the things around the thing...got it? :argh:

I haven't tested this, I guess using a Auto Cannon with HE ammo would be good to have..but I don't know how much damage it will make...

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Lvling the building ends up costing you a lot of money in lost funds. What you do is take a team and line them up in the basement, and just force fire a giant path through their building. I do that a lot. It works even better if you scare them enough so they just hide.
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Sounds very interesting. I have to try this in the moment I got weapons which are able to make enough damage for something like that. It seems that I should distroy walls and doors much more often then furnishings like benches because it's much more expensive. for the cult.

Until now I have never leveled down a building and I have played several times. Perhaps I should try it just for fun :)



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Just as a side note, there is a similar tactic for slum buildings. You need 36 guys with a pair of power swords each, and you need to play in turn-based mode. If its a slum building on 9 "legs", then surround each leg with men, and have them force-attack the walls, then run like hell. Hit end turn, and the entire apartment building will come down. Osiron/Diablo/Psyke's bank balance will be in a whole *world* of pain afterwards :)
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Thirtysix! I raid with four guys and I win with that! Thirtysix would be slaughter!

I just go on raids with my Sirius veterans armed with nothing but vortex mines and dimension missile launchers. If the freaks love the aliens so much then how fitting is it that that's what kills them?

I do take two devastator cannons along too actually just in case there are a lot of curtains around!

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My average team number is 20, 4 teams of 5, as for the 36 number I really like that idea!!


So what is the best weapon for demolition jobs? I once tried Disruptor cannons and Vortex on a 9 piller slum building but I ran out of V.Bombs and had to pound away with my Disruptor Cannons and it took awhile (30-45minutes!!) before it finally all came down which was jolly well fun. And much more than a Diemension missile launcher being used to blow holes in random places in slums! mwhahahaha!!


As for the Griffon and leveling building it does cause a hole in the Cult's budget but I often find that one of those hover bikes with a side car can destroy a Griffon tank if they blow up the road!! :)

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As for the Griffon and leveling building it does cause a hole in the Cult's budget but I often find that one of those hover bikes with a side car can destroy a Griffon tank if they blow up the road!!


which is why

a) you send out an escort of your hoverbikes to protect it.

B) you take out the launch tubes first (so the hoverbikes cant get out :devil:

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Even after you've completely destroyed all the tubes and pretty much the rest of the building as well, I have seen multiple enemy ships rise right out of the ground.


They're not supposed to do that, but they can.


Still, nothing a few rumble cannons cannot handle.



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I should have mentioned:


It doesn't seem to happen with all the buildings you level. Sometimes it happens, and at other times it doesn't.


I've noticed this happen quite a lot while blowing up the city building by building.



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I like sending them to the starport for that. Looks more impressive them all emerging out of the ground in formation....


You know, the funniest thing about destroying the city, no matter how much damage you've done to it, you'll always have allies? I swear, one second I have half of the organisations in the city worship the ground my soldiers tread on, and the rest feel like chewing me up instead. Then, Just let a few disrupter beams accidentally hit what previously was the building of some corporation or other and all of the organisations switch places. Hmm, yoyo politics? :)



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