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You don't say... I won't give you a hard time though, when I posted the name wasn't revealed yet, "Squadron 42" was tossed into the masses and later it turned out to be just a campaign set in the Star Citizen universe. Also, crowdsourcing was introduced later on and Kickstarter later still, so it is actually very good you posted it here, too.


Who will I be flying with? Report on duty!

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Don't blame me, I'm a mere Space Cadet. wink.png


And now for something else:






A skill-based combat system like that with actual slashing, parries and timing and not just a click-click-click-fest affair is something I've personally been waiting to see done right for quite a while. Hoped to see it happen with ALTAR's Vision RPG actually, but that became vaporware, so nice to see someone aiming for it al least.


These folks could use a little push right now, so if you like it Kick it here.

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Below: a story-fuelled, dungeon-delving digital card game.


Below plays like a card game crossed with a choose-your-own-adventure story. The BELOW deck is the dungeon; the ABOVE deck is the memories of your life above.


The contents of your decks are determined by the choices you've made so far. Each card represents a chunk of story.


Below will be a free-to-play game. Its core content can be played by everyone, but additional dungeons and characters can be purchased in-game, allowing you to delve into the world’s deepest secrets and experience new abilities and stories.


Stories are like treasure. The best ones are buried deep.


Exploring the bones of the earth is dangerous. Your character may die.




Sounds like your cup of tea? Then support it here. An early prototype is playable online here.

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Star Citizen support has been insanely immense. Raised an extra $1.3mil in the past week alone.


And, if the total funding hits $5.5mil (only a little over 1mil at this time) before it ends in a day and a half, they'll give us a flyable carrier.

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Where have all these Elite-like games been hiding, just to burst into the light all at the same time?! This looks like a good idea, but much too big of a project for a single yougster. I'll have to see how myElite pledge fares first. There's a limit to how many games of the same kind I want to play anyway.
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Spacecore is a tower defense game extended into simulation, strategy, and Roleplaying. In Spacecore you run a private galactic police force; taking the motto of “protect and serve” into space. Under military contract and extreme political scrutiny the player must watch over their expanding jurisdiction.






Show your support by Kickstarting it here.

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Hmm. Feeling a little let down now. Elite: Dangerous' planetary landings will be in a future paid expansion, unless you pledge above £90.


That is way above my budget. I can barely afford the £20 early bird pledge as it is... :(

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A narrative first person RPG set 45,000 feet in the air and 30 years in the future. Your actions shape how the story unfolds.


We are proudly building CONSORTIUM as an always optimistic, episodic, interactive, single-player experience from the ground up. The story, character development, and supporting game play...are everything.




Kickstart it here.

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