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Their aliens friends......


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Good advance planning. That's your answer.


Plan it so that all your important research is done in the primary base where you launch all your recovery ships from. Biochemistry in particular should always be done in your primary base, since you absolutely need Transteller to transport aliens between containment modules.


OR, when your ships return home with a payload of living aliens right after a mission, manually send that ship to the base with the containment module and biochem lab. Let it dock in their briefly. This will unload everything in the storage units in the ship into that base. Then tell your ship to return home. Voila.


You might want to consider demolishing containment units in bases that don't house your biochem labs. I haven't tested it yet, but if I'm right, ships with alien cargoes won't be unloaded in a base without a containment unit. Don't know how long they can be held in the biostransport modules though...


For soldier or ship equipment, it's just a matter of sending the ship along with the soldiers you want to equip to the base that has the desired parts.


When buying any R&D personnel, but there are damaged people tubes on the way to the base, hire them then briefly hit the ultra-fast time compression. They should automatically arrive at their destination, bypassing all inconveniences along on the way. Make sure you hire them to the right base, since it's impossible to transfer them between bases when transtellar is hostile.


If all else fails, refer to the recent headlines and attack Transteller's enemies (apart from yourself) then quickly transfer what you need while they're in a slightly cooperative state.


etc, etc, etc.



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I had my biochem research done in a different base. You either get the option to Keep the aliens aboard, or destroy them. So what I did was fly to my Agent base and unload equipment, then I fly the ship to my other base and unload the aliens, then back to my Agent base. I don't know hoe long they can stay, but that strat worked just fine for me.
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Okay. I have not tested this. It is a tentative theory.


Can you switch between bases when hiring? If so, is it possible to fire scientists in one base, switch without leaving the hire/fire screen, and hire them back when under control of the new base?


Unless your problem is that they are stuck in a civilian building. Then I don't know what to tell you.

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No we can't: when you fire someone you really fire him and you can't get him again, but even if we have been able to re-hire him, he must have to use the peoples tubes and/or the Transtellar's taxis. But, as I say my scientist are blocked at the place he was when I hire him (a Shopping mall and an appartement) and he can't come to my bases........ What should I do........... :hmmm:
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you could wait for the people tubes to be rebuilt. it may take a while but it'll be done eventually. its partially why i tend not to fire my scientists before their replacements arrive unless i really have to.
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I always though that when your scientists are still in transit, whether on foot or by taxi, hitting the ultra fast time compression briefly will immediately move them to their destination, even across broken roads and people tubes.


Once they've stopped moving, they're pretty much stranded.



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No no, I think you misunderstand me. I didn't say they'll use teleporters.


I have on occasion had a roadcar in an area of the city get stranded because I'd accidentally blown up the roads after an air skirmish. Now, if I just tell it to return home and leave it to its own devices, it'll stay stuck. But when I hit the ultrafast setting, it'll mysteriously reappear at the base.


Now, I have done this with the scientists before, but it only seems to work while they're still moving. .


It may have been because there were other alternate routes back home, but the most direct one was just not available to them.



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NFK, I understood what you said, It was a joke :). Your very fast mode way will work if there is only a road or a people break, but not if you're hostile to Transtellar.


Even the engineers of my new base can't go to work, so I'll fire them(around 15), but I think I'll be okay with my 30 others engineers :) I like it when it PRODUCE!!!! :argh:

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*remembers the strategy guide said something about this*

*looks at the strategy guide*


The Strategy guide says that there's no way around it: if you're hostile with Transtellar your scientists will remain STUCK.


Obviously the solution is to improve your relations with them :)

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Aha, because I was starting to feel a bit unsure myself, I ran an experiment™.


Right, on purpose, I got into very hostile relations with Transtellar, blew up all road and people tube access to my base. Now the only way in or out my base is by air.


I fired all my biochemists.


I hired one new biochemist, and waited for her to arrive in real-time. Bang, she got stuck in the neighbouring building.


Next, I hired another biochemist, but this time, I briefly went into the highest time compression mode while the biochemist was still in transit. The biochemist arrived and was ready for work.


It's a most unconventional method of getting them to your base, I must admit.



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Well, a split second is usually all you need. Doesn't have to be on for long. Whenever ultra fast time compression is enabled, everything just seems to immediately pop over to their destinations. That's why you almost never see any civilian vehicles wandering about the city after exiting ultra fast.


It was still about 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the same day, so no roads and people tubes were rebuilt yet.


From observation, repairs to the city aren't done until at least midnight. Haven't paid much attention so I'm not sure whether it's done every weekday, but I'm pretty sure it's done at the end of each week.



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