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A nice Frozen Synapse game

Space Voyager

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Well I've fucked up in the current games in playing with rocket - thought it would go were I wanted tongue.png


Hey, I went there plenty enough already! :D


Anyway, great games, really good. Love the excitement. Though I get disappointed with what I am able to overlook sometimes...


Is 7h30n still around? I'd love to get him back into the game, too. Though he'd kick my butt even harder.

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Well, as Silencer already wrote, I managed to score a nice victory in a charge. This is also the only one I can brag about, the rest were all close calls.




Having a rocket launcher in a charge is a big plus and Silencer only had one good charge option - so I destroyed it. The rest was the sniper... I don't feel too cheaty though, Silencer chose the distance himself and he knew I had a rocket.

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In more ways than one.


Anyway, if I haven't praised the game enough yet, let me state that a friend of mine is responsible for dragging me into FS and blessed be his name. I am not sure if I would play any other game right now and I'd hate losing all ties to games...

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Silencer chose the distance himself and he knew I had a rocket.


Actually I forgot to check... was bit surprised to see rocket. But you deserved that victory.


Phew, no new Silencer's uploads. That is a sign I'm not being massacred just yet.


I am in Netherlands with medium quality internet, so highly doubt would upload, maybe at work, but I will not ruin the surprise :P

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After my initial wrong decision that Silencer would not go that far with a MG, the game was basically lost. Lose one MG and you're toast in an Upload. So I went for a desperate move, which was very predictable, as it was basically the only option in the time given.


Very well played!


Ehm, not me.

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Your vat appearing at that corner was simulated, but I guess something was different in the game.


Losing is never a problem, Silencer. But reading your whining is. You whine like a baby who lost a candy when you're not winning.


What was I accused of... Cheating, my guys magically appearing and that the map was made completely to my advantage! A map in which you chose your starting position! Damn...


The game treats all players the same at all times. With the exception of not always creating the same vats for both, which you better take into account when bidding.

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I'll try to take it as such, https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/friends.gif


THREE?!?! :runs to check:


EDIT: I guess lesson no. 2 will follow in FS...

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  • 3 months later...

Is 7h30n still around? I'd love to get him back into the game, too. Though he'd kick my butt even harder.


Yeah, I'm still around. Gone off the grid (from forums and games) as I was on my final semester for bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

Now I got to defend my final thesis and I'm on vacation, what better way to spend it playing Frozen Synapse smile.png


And judging by our recent matches, it seems the tables have turned :D


How are things goin' with you people and forums?

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Well, I'm defending my thesis this thursday and waiting for the final exam results and then I'm done for the semester.

But, the faculty is far from finished, next step is master's degree in Computer Science (2 more years) :) And then I'm done... unless I'm crazy enough to pursue Ph.D.

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Be crazy. Now or never, most likely.


But not to go completely off topic, and to incite your not yet fully developed craziness, this is the game we played.


By some incredible luck and a very small mistake with big consequences - as is usual in FS - my MG survived what seemed as inevitable death. If that rocket went a little higher... Both this mistake and the rest of the game happened like something that I remember from my nightmares, caused by previous games with 7h, except that the roles were reversed.



How my games with Silencer usually end; me crapping out, then managing to somehow pull a draw.



With an incredible number of draws like this, I managed to win. In this game, Silencer did exactly what I predicted. This can happen with the number of games we play, sooner or later one of us gets lucky. Well, my turn. :D


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How my games with Silencer usually end; me crapping out, then managing to somehow pull a draw.


I call it bollocks with the shotguns. My guy shot 2 times as yours and only mine died (We fired in the same time yet mine was behind cover) - I hate this in this game - same as you can move guys in the same "square". Same thing happened with the second guy - we both fired yet only mine died. This should be double KO.


With an incredible number of draws like this, I managed to win. In this game, Silencer did exactly what I predicted. This can happen with the number of games we play, sooner or later one of us gets lucky. Well, my turn. :D


I hate charge.... oh and by the way - the Hostage I won I strangely did not get the achievement for winning Hostage game - another bollocks from this game.


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The simulation showed your guy getting killed quite nicely, so you could move away if you wanted. It could just be the time delay because your SG had to turn to get mine in the field of view. Your cover was not effective as my SG came at a wide angle.


The second one was completely clear. My SG was waiting and did not move, your SG came moving. Clear kill. I explained this before; there are no double kills. What you see as shooting is just a nice display for the viewer. The end result is a calculation with the result known before you ever saw those shots being "fired".


As for achievements... You actually care about those?!

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For the show are bunnies - I know there is no double KO but should be. Your guy also had to turn. The shots were made exact the same second. What happened has happened but that doesn't mean the game is alright in this matter.
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Here you go.



Having very bad starting position. Team spread out very much. One of the rocketeers useless from the first turn, MG trapped between two farting maniacs and a psycho :P


Decisive last turn. I really wanted to blast the wall but he could be waiting half way past the blast radius and zap me from there.

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A game worth losing! Really tense. The second RL was a big mistake, I should have sent it farther than MG and I wouldn't have lost him, damn. In the game of MGs it just didn't occur to me that I may lose the rocket. Very well played, Silencer!


EDIT; Has our chattering persuaded anyone to join in?!

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