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A Quick Visual

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Some thought provoking pics (not wallpapers):


Some kind of mission preview to see what kind of opposition to expect?



This seems like a normal mission scramble vid and if it is, it probably represents the actual number of soldiers going. This is not three...



Love this direction cover presentation. I know we already speculated about the colour of the shields. Can it represent the "value", hardness of the cover? Berserker went through the wall - and the shield symbol was red there. Just wondering.



Nades are in. At the gas station as well, he he he!






Some soldiers are specialized, some not. Special trainings, UFO:Aftershock style?



This item can be used by all soldiers. So there are items that can not - again, specialization.



Loving these research demands.



Multiple bases.


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The red/blue colour is rather distinction for yours / enemy cover. I think I saw yellow colour - that could mean destructible cover as in Full Spectrum Warrior.


About specializations - I think every soldier starts with one - might suggest that this is old test build. From what I saw in movie / screens - when you hire soldier you dictate what spec he / she has and you can customize his / her looks.

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I demand the basic internet right to wild speculation! https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/swear.gif


That said, you are MOST likely correct... Having some remotely gathered intel from the site would be awesome, though.

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The last screencap puts in evidence multiple fighter bases will be available. However, they've said a number of times there will only be ONE main base in the original's sense. The GT video sort-of reinforces that by giving the chief scientist an actual name as opposed to just having her in the background. There's more unique-looking characters in other areas of the base, and I'd wager those are named too. It's obvious they seek to make only big base you have special, as opposed to the generic installations of the original game.
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Weapon "fragments"? So weapons explode or something when you kill their owners? I guess that more or less makes sense, as there's no need to scavenge for ammo since you've got unlimited anyways.

Wild theory: unlike the original game, in which you researched the alien weapons and used them as they came, it's possible XCOM:EU has you use those fragments to develop human versions. Imagine Terran plasma rifles.


That makes more sense than using stock alien equipment, which may not really lend itself to human hands and fingers.

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Or alien weapons are set to self-destruct when the owner is dead to keep the tech from falling into our hands. Another wild theory :blush:


Or the alien weapon was hit by XCOM gunfire or explosions and it's merely an example of a destructible battlefield. :)

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Not sure which theory the devs will go with, but the auto-destruct one makes the most sense. Alien hands come in many shapes and sizes, and most X-COM weapons (especially the ones you start with) shouldn't be doing much damage to alien armour/weapons.


That said, the "different grips" thing might actually come into play this time around. For example, odds are we aren't going to see any Sectoids with heavy weapons, nor any Mutons with light ones.

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The jury's still out on the increased animalistic alien behaviours. The Mutons sort of work as big ape-like creatures, but it's a tad weird to have Sectoids skitter around like monkeys of some kind. Might be more realistic that way, though, given those big heads must be really heavy to be carried around on two flimsy limbs only. :blush:
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  • 3 weeks later...
Good find, but not much new there. It's essentially a narration of recent videos. Seems all magazines have to work with the same initial material, so it's unlikely we'll see anything new until Firaxis sends out a second wave of content for the sites to feast on.
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