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The sad thing about hexagons is that depending on how it's done, your characters may move funny. I love Fallout 1/2 to bits for example, but your hero does this zig-zagging run at certain angles.




And just to add to that, in todays day and age we have the option to break out of squares and hexes and work on ranged based movement rather than fixed tiles.



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I know, range based is probably going to be the way to go, but it depends how far they want to change from the original. Since they're doing turn-based they may still want to keep a movement system that's closer to the original too.
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Well, regarding the Sectoid... what the hell is that crest around his waist? It must be genetically designed but to what propose? Helping locomotion? Or are they ergonomically designed to fit on an UFO chair? Puzzling...


Another thing... it has no mouth. I'm guessing no ghastly death screams in the dark, unless its mouth is located somewhere else, under its chin or something even more bizarre.


General physique seems even less undeveloped than the original Sectoids - large abdominal cavity in comparison with the thorax area, which has something that emits reddish light. Muscle condition suggests atrophy, specially legs.


Remember that almost always concept art never goes right with ingame looks.


... in todays day and age ...


Wait, what ? :)

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First screens and details emerge!!




The real-time element of XCOM is confined to the global view, where the player keeps track of known UFOs and abductions going on around the world. Managing research and development at the XCOM organization's secret base can be done at the player's leisure, and all combat is completely turn-based.





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Looks like some sort of clip before a mission. I love the HUGE Geoscape being projected on the Operations room :)



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OMG... the base image...




Base has 4 levels, with a central circular structure that appears to be a central lift. Some modules are further divided into sublevels.

Left Side:

* Hangar on the top left, with what appears on be a Skyranger being readied and 3 Interceptors on their above alcoves.

* The 3 modules on the bottom left seem to be almost the same module, possibly General Stores.

* Also below the hangar, some sort of repair/workshop area?

Right Side

* Control room (with Geoscape). From the image of the control room it seems that it is linked both to the hangars and soldiers quarters.

* Assuming it is correct, then the right areas should be the Crew Quarters.

* Below the Control Room, it looks like some sort of Laboratory.

* To the left of the Laboratory some sort of meeting room... unclear.

* Below the Laboratory there's a module of 3 rooms... Workshop? Laboratory?

* To its right, I'd guess we're looking at Alien Containment... unless someone has a better idea

* On 4th level, first there's another of those Stores (although there are 2 clearly 2 different types of it, this one is circular like a tunnel)

* And on the bottom left, the enigma - I simply have no idea of what it is, Base Power Plant, Radar System, whatever. And there's a human figure standing by it on the middle.

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I love the HUGE Geoscape being projected on the Operations room :(

Did you notice:

- the guys in green near the console closest to the passing troopers are using some kind of mask (probably for augmented reality readouts, etc)

- the little flags each trooper has on its neck protection (or what-have-you)





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Did you notice:

- the guys in green near the console closest to the passing troopers are using some kind of mask (probably for augmented reality readouts, etc)

- the little flags each trooper has on its neck protection (or what-have-you)


Lots of other details there:

- I don't think it's a mask but merely the light of the Geoscape reflected on their faces while wearing a headset

- We seem to have the original funding countries. On Geoscape you can see Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa clearly marked in bright. The neck flags also indicate Australia, Russia and Italy/France.

- South Sudan doesn't exist yet (it's still a part of Sudan), so I'm guessing the Geoscape will be dated pre-2011

- There are 3 types of firearms being carried by the soldiers. 1 is the same it was already revealed on the magazine's cover. The 2nd is some sort of cannon/machinegun (even comes with a bipod for support) and the other one a rifle/shotgun with a flashlight attached the barrel.

- There's also banners hung from the ceiling with a yellow pentacle and a red X... I wonder if that's the new XCOM insignia.

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Did you notice:

- the guys in green near the console closest to the passing troopers are using some kind of mask (probably for augmented reality readouts, etc)

- the little flags each trooper has on its neck protection (or what-have-you)


Lots of other details there:

- I don't think it's a mask but merely the light of the Geoscape reflected on their faces while wearing a headset

- We seem to have the original funding countries. On Geoscape you can see Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa clearly marked in bright. The neck flags also indicate Australia and Italy/France.

- South Sudan doesn't exist yet (it's still a part of Sudan), so I'm guessing the Geoscape will be dated pre-2011

- There are 3 types of firearms being carried by the soldiers. 1 is the same it was already revealed on the magazine's cover. The 2nd is some sort of cannon/machinegun (even comes with a bipod for support - it appears Robb Hicks on the tactical image is carrying it as well) and the other one a rifle/shotgun with a flashlight attached the barrel.

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Great news about the RT/TB elements.


Looks like we have a primary weapon and secondary weapon displayed on the battlescape, which is pretty good, some sort of light machine gun and a pistol. Weapons also seem to include a shotgun, judging by the long gun with no iron sights.

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That projected Geoscape ... That is how I've imagined the Geoscape and command room to look like for years and years! I'm excited to see it finally realised. (Well, okay, slightly different, mine was a projector from the floor, but the general idea is the same)



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Looking at the tactical combat screenshot I came to realise something curious: where's the 'fog of war'?


I understand, of course, that not using it in its more conventional form can be viable, and even logical, if we approach the subject based on how things work in reality: people do not see blackness past their visual radius, they just don't see what's obscured by obstacles in their line of sight or details far in the distance.


And, yet, even if adopting this mindset, what we see in that screenshot is something of an approximation to being all-seeing, or a construction of reality. So, for instance, the back side of the rock where the 'man in blue' is taking cover should be visible to him, but certainly not to us, and neither should the area behind the troopers, which are all facing towards us.


There are perhaps two distinct philosophies that go with these separate takes on how to render things: one where it is posited that you only perceive what the troops you control can directly see and hear (or sense, for psi) thus resulting in a form of traditional fog of war, and another where you are a commander as a remote viewing entity of sorts where everything you see on screen is a state-of-the-art rendition/ representation resulting from the entirety of the collected intel you would be viewing on a control console of some kind in that commanding role; where you see 'everything' depicted because that is the visual representation/abstraction of the reality you are then to interact with via commands in an Ender's Game sort of scenario/setup.


I suppose one conclusion we can take away at least: it's that the game won't have a set camera viewpoint, and that there are ramifications that come from employing one, or not.




It's very early days, and this screenshot may even have fog of war disabled, but the question I guess, in the end, the real question, is which approach is actually the most 'gamey'. And which do we prefer, in terms of setting and immersion.

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Looking at the tactical combat screenshot I came to realise something curious: where's the 'fog of war'?

True, it is not shown. I do think it will be included though as the GameInformer interview 7h30n posted mentions the fog of war as one of the key elements that made X-COM an intense experience. So for now I stay fully optimistic.

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Don't think they'd make the mistake of keeping it out. It will probably be even more tense than in the original.. since it will be do or die.


But really hope the base is animated.. with little people walking around.. rotating holo-globe.. transparent AC with mutons hitting the walls like mad.. skyranger being lifted down (look close, theres a lift that brings it up and down) and being loaded/unloaded.. people walking out after a mission and lvie aliens being escorted.. People playing the pool table.. weird stuff going on the labs and machinery moving around in the workshops.


And.. naturally... the general stores stuffed to the ceiling with rifles and grenades whenever its 100% full keeping us from buying additional stuff. I'll only believe it if i see things forcing the door and falling down whenever someone opens it.

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There's that little joke that we used to have about keeping equipment and other stuff just lying around the hallways or the commanders office when there's no more room in stores, but more stuff keeps coming in. Can just imagine now small items like alien grenades and plasma clips being packed into a photocopy paper carton, or the troopers finding a sectoid stuffed in their drinks fridge.


Part joke, part real-life scenario. Have something like this happening in my office right now. :)



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If they go completely with the FPS storyline then maybe not. If they do, however, i hope its more "alien" than the brain in the original.


In appearece sure it was as alien as alien can be, but i disliked the final cutscenes. It talked too much.


This is why the cthulu aquatoid and the inter-dimensional aliens were scarier



Perhaps we could capture the Brain after the final mission, instead of killing it? I'm thinking more along the lines of a cutscene where the brain is inside a lab, and Brent Spinner is the lead scientist trying to understand it. Then the brain locks tentacles around spinner's neck and explains that humanity only delayed the inevitable in a really scary voice using very little words. Then two soldiers one looking like Bill Pullman and the other looking like Will Smith shoot the thing, and the cutscene changes to Mars, where a beam of light is fired from there into the deep ocean back on earth.


Then the brain would laugh Predator style while dying and the game would roll to credits.




Would be awesome but there might be some copyright issues with it...

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Looking to the sectoids up close they really really look like an off-shot from an aquatic race. That makes a person wonder about the meaning..


The title picture looks creepy.. reminds me of Fire in The Sky.


I also see what looks like a smoke grenade in there

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Am I the only one who finds what they're claiming to be Mutons something of a cross between:









Yes, the Strogg meet Buzz Lightyear, and have a baby... :)

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