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Firaxis remaking XCOM: Enemy Unknown


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The console releases for EW has it all bundled together, considering it's they aren't as flexible as the PC release. This new release must be mimicking that for the PC. .



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  • 1 month later...

I was just popping in to see what news there might be around XCOM and I spot this not more than a month after I bought an Android tablet.


Now... can I resist? Nah :P:)


Also this amused me on the Google Play store:


The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame.


So quite how are we supposed to repel an alien invasion? Hmm?

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Nope. I got to enjoy it and receive immediate satisfaction! When it comes to the majority of games I wait until the "Complete", "Ultimate", or "Super-Mega-Ultra Edition" to come out before I buy it. This is one of those rare times I was waiting for what seemed forever for it to come out.
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It's all about what you want when you get it. I've felt the same way. Look no further than my own rant here: https://www.strategycore.co.uk/forums/topic/10735-rants-n-raves/

Which is why I've decided to pirate games, I figure if I played a game the entire way through and would play it again, I'll go and buy it. However, if I had no intention of buying this game in the first place, what is the publisher losing? It's not as if I made multiple copies of it and sold it.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Feral Interactive has announced they'll be responsible for bringing XCOM: EU (and EW as well) to Linux this Summer.


Brief specifics:


The Linux version of XCOM: Enemy Unknown will be a SteamPlay title that runs on Ubuntu 14.04 and Valve's SteamOS.


Pricing and system requirements for this version will be revealed at a later time.




A dedicated stub page can be found at Feral Interactive here.

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I started playing EW again this past week and I decided until I finished the game to reflect and asks you guys some questions you might know or things you've come across yourself. Some questions might seem obvious, but I'd still like to hear your input.


A.) We know that MECs can't go into cover, unless by cover it's behind a building or a Semi. (There is no cover button/command) So technically, when awarding medals it would be pointless to award the +5 Defense when in cover to a MEC if said MEC can't enter cover in the first place, right?


B.) I find that Mines so far in my experience are only useful for 3 missions; Base Defense, Exalt, and the Canadian/Chryssalid mission. Course it's always fun to lay one down close to a solider and have that soldier hit a Berserker so that he'll come charging into the mine. Other wise does anyone even bother to use them?


C.) When you're able to capture an Elite Muton and Ethereal it gives you bonuses to all research, but by the time you DO manage to capture both is there really anything left to research?


D.) I also figured if you want to play EW on the hardest difficulty (Vanilla) you'll have to check Impossible, Iron Man and Marathon Modes. I can't possibly see how checking all those and completing the game is possible but who knows. Thoughts?


( Oops, just saw the page on UFOpedia on making the game harder. https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Making_The_Game_Harder_(EU2012) )


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A) True - also I found MEChs pretty useless - they accuracy is very low. Even point blank colonel doesn't have high chance.

B) Never used anything but S.C.O.P.E

C) Yep + you have so many scientist that the bonus is meh.

D) I found Marathon to be bullcrap. The research/construction is doubled but alien progression isn't. I found mutons at month 5 and besides you need the satellite coverage at the same pace as normal game but of course you have double time to construct everything.

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I would not suggest Ironman. Normally I would, but it seems that EW can result in a corrupt save, so it is better to have several.


I do find MECs a nice addition as it serves as a tank. An expensive one, true.

@Silencer: I too found that my MEC had an accuracy of a blind chicken, but I thought that was caused by my bad choice of the soldier. Would choosing one of my elite snipers with 100+ accuracy not make a difference? The explosives it can carry are rather nice but if the main weapon is always this crappy (accuracy), meld might be better used on genetic modifications...



I went for classic difficulty several times but each and every time the first contact with the goddamn Thin men ended very, VERY badly. Those bastards one-shot killed my entire squad on several occasions. As Silencer reminded me, it was also due to the plasma rifle that carries an accuracy bonus. The last game I started was on normal, which proved to be too easy. Still I went for a playthrough to at least see all the game's content but it all ended (as I wrote) in a corrupt save in the base defence mission. So I'm finding the time to start another classic game.

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Here's my two Uber-Ass Kicking Mecs.



The one on the right (Blue) is my Support MEC. It can become a full cover for my soldiers, it has restorative mist spray, and has that shock wave thing that can disable robotic aliens and does like 3 damage to all non-robotic aliens in a circular circumference, so if their grouped together you can smack one with the fist and then shock em in the same turn.


The one of the left (Black) is my Destroyer MEC. It has 3 grenades, the flame-thrower, jet boaster, and has 5 land mines. Notice the kills? Yes that is the asian guy you get from the slingshot DLC.


Here is an example of getting your MECs some really good AIM (SV!)




That's a total of 20 potential AIM!

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