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*Un-fixing* the fix for the cultist temple mission


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You can't wipe them out entirely as they'll automatically be given some of your bases (people say three but for me it was four!) I'm assuming this is still true after doing the temple mission but you'll need someone more knowledgeable to confirm that!


Personally I left them with the North china base and provinces, they didn't really bother me much. I'd be getting one cultist mission for every 10 starghost attacks so in a way it was somewhat of a relief! When someone more helpful comes in they may be able to tell you if it's possible to leave them with only a province at the end of the game (and no base) Not sure if this was considered an exploit and fixed with the patches though...

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Personally I left them with the North china base and provinces, they didn't really bother me much. I'd be getting one cultist mission for every 10 starghost attacks so in a way it was somewhat of a relief! When someone more helpful comes in they may be able to tell you if it's possible to leave them with only a province at the end of the game (and no base) Not sure if this was considered an exploit and fixed with the patches though...


....And I left them in Mexico City but then the Starghosts came and turned it uninhabitable. So now the cultists have no more bases to go to except mine.

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