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I can't destroy the jamming device!


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Whenever i try to destroy an alien jamming device, it gets reported as being distance 0k and is stuck at the back of my rear view mirror, what is going on, has anyone ever heard of this?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is a problem in Windows XP only.


There is no direct fix for this problem, other than deleting the probe from existence by editing the files.


In your XCI directory, there is a hidden file called Gamesettings.ini. In there, you will find the following:



















Simply delete it. You'll never get data jammer probes, but it has to be done unfortunately.


NOTE: I'm not sure this is the correct data, so make a backup before you try anything!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

WooHoo! We finally have an answer for all XP and NT users about X-Com Interceptor!


The "Bug" is because of the standard NTFS Partition with these operating systems....


Format and reinstall windows XP or whatever witha FAT 32 and thats it! No MOre Bug!!!


Now you can blast those bases and Probes to your hearts content!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet:


I had the problem once too. I believe if you switch to external view, you can see the probe clipping inside your ship. It is stuck there. I don't remember how I did it, but somehow I caused damage to my ship, by running into one of my wingmen or something. If you do it enough, it should damage the probe to the point at which it is destroyed.

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Good idea,, for probes anyway. Unfortunately I can't see that being a particularly practical idea for bases


And to make matters worse, the copy of W98 on my system failed a long time ago. I'm stuck without intercepter :)

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  • 5 months later...
Um...I deleted it, saved the .ini, and started a new game, and I still got a jammer probe somehow. I'm looking at the sreen right now. It has a jammer probe messing with my base, and then I look at the .ini and the entry is deleted.
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  • 5 months later...

you dont have to delete its file or something! i found out a way to blast it!


you go on full speed, (no boost) fire all your beam weapons until their energy is down to 10%, then fire your missiles as fast as you can and the probe simply blows up behind you.

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  • 2 years later...

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