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Lego's Alien Conquest


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For those interested, Lego's put out a new series called "Alien Conquest". The main site: https://alienconquest.lego.com


Basically a series involving B-movie styled space aliens in saucers that have come to earth to invade it and abduct civilians (and I suppose cows too, based on the road signs). Also as per the usual humans vs. monsters theme Lego love to incorporate in their toy lines, the humans have an anti-alien defense unit called ADU (Alien Defense Unit?) that has brave soldiers and scientists who have banded together to combat the alien menace. Starting to sound familiar?


As it is Lego, it's heavily vehicle based so perhaps not that similar, but it's still something I highly recommend X-Com Enemy Unknown/UFO Defence fans should at least take a look at.


I haven't collected Lego in ages, but I'm definitely going to sample one of these. (correction: I'm sampling one right now)



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