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Another great title destroyed


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We all know (or at least I think so), that great game delivered by Bulfrog - Syndicate. There are 'leaked' news that EA restarts it Developement will be done by company that did The Darnkness and the First of the Riddick game.


Unfortunetly it will be a fricking SHOOTER (with multipayer - co-op).


You can read the information on following sites:


Eurogamer, Rock Paper Shotgun


Now it is up to Ubisoft to create a FPS Heroes of Might and Magic and we will have a quartet (Fallout, XCOM, Syndicate, HoMM).

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It wouldn't be too bad as long as you could still control 1 agent and 3 assistant agents that you can jump between during the game - and use a persuadatron and control the entire population of the map and enemy agents so you can nearly win without a fight. Basically the same game, but control and visual candy via a first person perspective.


But if it's just yet-another-fps-shooter ... yawn.



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It just dawned on me: If a game gets co-op, then that means there will be no need for co-op.


For example, in Syndicate, you've got missions where you might want to spread your squad (of four agents) across a huge area, so that they can perform certain tasks in unison or head off a moving target.


Good luck coordinating that with one player in control of each agent... Not unless the game takes each player by the hand each mission and says, "You need to get your ass over here before what goes down, goes down".

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Memorise the map script to bits? Alternatively, radio headsets to coordinate missions?


I'm reminded of Syndicate Wars, where you could actually have a co-op game with multiple players on the same PC. One agent controlled by mouse, one agent by joystick, and two others by keyboard. So while you could coordinate verbally with one another, the only problem with this was that the camera only followed one agent, so it didn't exactly work out unless what you were doing was within view of the screen area. :P



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The solution would simply be an overhead map. If there are clearly defined mission objectives on a map and you can see the location of your buddies then it would work.


4 player coop done well can work beautifully. See L4D and L4D2.


I'd have more hope of this turning out well if it was in Valve's hands of course (I'm not biased, I just happen to think that the best FPS games in recent years are L4D (& 2), Portal (& 2), Team Fortress 2 and so on :P).

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Apparently so, although I wasn't sure Syndicate or SSX did decent numbers, apparently SSX did. Perhaps they should try bringing SSX back as an FPS and see what happens?


By all accounts, Syndicate isn't even a bad game, it's decent enough, but why does it need the Syndicate name?

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By all accounts, Syndicate isn't even a bad game, it's decent enough, but why does it need the Syndicate name?


Because it would heighten the amount of copies sold? And I agree the game isn't that bad but good thing I didn't waste money on it.

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Because it would heighten the amount of copies sold?


I think that's what it was meant to do, without it ever being possible. I don't think there's any way to know without a time machine, but they are counting on a link to an RTS that's almost two decades old. How many people who played the original Syndicate were suckered by that? When Syndicate first came out, I was 11, and had this reboot also been released then, yes, I probably would have fallen for it.


Additionally, how many gamers have never played the original? I bet there are plenty of teenaged gamers who never played the 1993 classic, so the name means nothing to them, but IIRC teenage males are a major part of the FPS crowd. You're essentially releasing a new IP to them, they don't know Syndicate from Adam.


I don't think there was any way for it to work unless they were thinking everyone who played the RTS back in the day decided to pick this up, and told all their friends to do so. Try again, EA.

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Syndicate was re-released on the PSP under some cheap-o bundle of EA games or other that includes Wing Commander 1 not too long ago. Haven't played it yet to see how different it is from the original. While not the ones that generate all the revenue for the companies, some of the recent generation of gamers may have had some contact with it. .


But about the new game - my first impression on seeing the game on the shelves that it was just about a bunch of posers in trench coats and scarves. Looked at it once, and nowadays my eyes just pass over it. That can't be good.



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Well, considering that, I think I will have the name right, Trent Razor of Nine Inch Nails did the soundtrack for Quake, I threw the comment about Justin Bieber in there to add to things. I feel that changing something like Syndicate into something else is not a good thing.
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Turn Quake into a combination puzzle/sports game involving tertrinoid blocks, golf and Sokoban style mazes, throw in a riveting jazz and pop track using Swan Lake as the base theme played by a bluegrass band. Stop using gothic and Lovecraft inspired themes and switch to Roald Dahl for the art direction.


I'm trying to make it sound terrible - but I'm almost intrigued....


The problem with this genre conversion into FPSs, is that companies these days don't see it going the opposite direction. Personally I'm tired of games running around looking at a gun in the corner as my main character.



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