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Six Gun Saga


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Vic 'Dead Eye' Davis' new game. Set in the Wild West, where men drank buffalo fluids to avoid dying of thirst, and women skinned their babies in an effort to keep up with parasol demand.


My initial difficulty was to choose anyone for my starting character other than Dirty Dave Rudabaugh. That's his actual name, not a nickname. From left to right, we have El Indio (spit), Augustine Chacon (spit), Dirty Dave Rudabaugh (me, yay) and Boss Snead (spit).


So my first posse name comes naturally.


My first dude is easy to choose. Doc Holiday, drunk, gambler, and drunken gambler. So naturally, the other bosses sabotage the Hell out of him, first hiring a lady of negotiable virtue to distract him, then getting him thoroughly drunk. He dies in a miserably squalid gunfight in the opening phases of the game, contributing nothing except his meat shieldness, which saves Thomas 'Decapitated by Hanging' Ketchum, the only other member of my hapless posse.


Thankfully, when my posse is reinforced with a light cannon, it holds up well against an ambush.


What's going on here? No idea, only been playing the game a few days. Seriously, though, it's basically a poker game plus the combat values of the cards. Any card can be used as a poker card instead, and kept in the hole, increasing your odds of winning combat.


I scrimp and save and acquire the General Store Deed card, which passively earns me money for the special actions of other players. Nice one!


You piece of shit.

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