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Strong Bob

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My research list: All I've got are some captured Gill Men, equivalent for the Motion sensor, and the medi-kit.


I've researched everything except the Sub-Construction, but I know for sure I had it in inventory before I researched Zrbite or the Transmission Resolver because I got it on my first mission.


I've researched everything on Gauss, Sonics, and armor up to Plastic. Got Ion beams, navigation, all that jazz. But no research for Sub Construction.

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Try getting the Magnetic Ion Armour first then see what happens.


I might have missed a step, since I always get magnetic ion armour first before moving on to the submarines.



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My research tree: Medikit, Guass-Guass Rifle and Guass clip, aqua plastics, personal armour, Sonic Rifle, Sonic Rifle Clip, sonic pulser, ion accelerator, sonic cannon, sonic cannon clip, and then make my way to mag ion armour
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Heh. I'm a little late to this, but...


Medkits: Bring them. I always have my guys travel in squads, so that if one gets hit with a stray blast, there's someone there to patch him up. It becomes more important as you get armor, or get attacked by Deep Ones: You don't want your soldiers bleeding to death from a grazing sonic shot. Also, if the aliens blast one of your guys with a stun bomb, a medkit will (eventually) enable you to stim him back up. Also, a lot of aliens (especially lobstermen) favor hand-to-hand attacks, which tend to not do too much damage individually.


Lobstermen: In the open, you have two options:


1. The Sniper/Spotter model. Have one guy run ahead of the squad, and spot. As soon as he sees a lobsterman, have him halt, then everyone behind him shoots (using sonic weapons only, if you're using gauss, save your ammo and go to option 2). This way, the lobster doesn't get reaction shots.


2. Sonic pulsers. Throw 2 at a lobster. Preferably from out of sight (use a spotter). More than 2, and you risk blowing up the corpse and equipment.


Indoors, the 'thermal tazer' and zrbite-powered hand-to-hand weapons work wonders. Use particle disturbance sensors to see them coming from around the corner, then BAM with the drill. Drilling is also great because it only takes a small fraction of your TUs. Once, I had my commander kill about two lobsters and a tentaculat in one round with nothing but her heavy thermic lance. Then, some jerk snuck up behind her and zapped her with a stun launcher.


Research: Do what NKF's page tells you. While I'm at it, I'd also grab some technicians and navigators. Also, psionic aliens (aquatoid higher ranks, and tasoth of any kind should do).

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I don't have problems with Lobstermen anymore. Just the research tree.


I've researched and manufactured med-kits for my entire squad. I've gone 3 missions and I've yet to have an opportunity to use one. But we'll see...


Right now, I'm stuck on a mission. There seems to be a stray alien SOMEWHERE on the map and I can't bloody find it! I've literally been searching for 3 and a half hours...


If I supply the saved game, anybody feel like taking the "find the Tasoth" challenge? I've nuked a bunch of underwater structures with grenades, hoping to root out an alien possibly hiding in a corner, but so far there's nothing.

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It might pay to check some of the most obvious places that are so obvious that you positively sure that no alien would've gone there. :)


Like your Triton. I spent a whole lot of time searching for one lobsterman, and eventually found him cowering in the Triton. Pity it wasn't panicking, or else I'd have found it sooner.


Might even pay to retrace your steps. Sometimes an alien might just have been knocked out rather than killed.


There are some places with line of sight errors that might prevent you from spotting the alien right away. The door into the coldroom of one of the ocean liners is a good example. The second staircase in hotels, with the little room behind it is also another good example. If an alien is standing right on the first few steps, and you're looking directly at it, you won't see it. Stand just behind the stairs and bang, it's visible. This can happen in UFO as well, but there are so few scenarios where it's noticeable.



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Also, if you get really ticked off, fire up XComUtil, and set the flag that shows the whole map. Most likely, the alien is hiding in a one-square cubbyhole somewhere. Assuming I don't lose my patience and fire up XComUtil, I just wind up lining my dudes up at one edge of the map, and then sweeping along.
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