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Cyberstorm AAR Discussion


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This is where anyone that wants to play along by being a pilot can request what they want to be and what they want to pilot. I've just put up part of the first post that provides an intro to the game and the first training mission that you have to go through to unlock the "things that aren't crap"TM Is there a way around the 10 image limit? it won't let me post in consecutive posts in the same thread with over 10 total either.


Edit: yay, posted, I guess it's just a time limit or something.

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Sorry for posting in your AAR thread yesterday, just realized you too have a separate discussion thread. I always thought questions and discussion add life to AAR thread that is otherwise all pics and a bit of storytelling but whatever suits the AAR author best.
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No worries really. It's mainly to keep posts from coming in between parts in an installment and being missed. I'd hate to miss someone that wanted to have a character or a custom HERC because I didn't check for new posts while waiting on the timer to allow me to post again.
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Sure, right now there are 2 Ogres that will be the main fighting machines until the Demons are given to us. After the next mission there should be enough to have either a Giant carrying heavy cannons or a Sensei/Remora carrying missiles since the Ogres are really good at taking down shields but lack the ability to effectively finish the job. And since you're all clones you can just be copied into a new body when something better comes along there as well. :)


If you want one of the Ogre pilots I can name him before going on the mission. Any herc upgrades would have to wait until the next mission since we're at like 500 credits.

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Well now you have the manly Tola clone!


After this next mission, I'm going to condense things more and not show as many mining missions. so if there is a huge jump in credits, that will be why. I'll be sure to show anything new that happens otherwise. Particularly base assaults and promotions.

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No problem, as long as I see action (and survive)!


I have a message for Cybrids!




Ups, wrong one! THIS is it!



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Missions are probably about 80% of the game. You don't have to wait on them to happen, you just come back to base and can pick one of about 10 from a list to go on. After every mission you want to repair your HERCs and heal your Bioderms. Other than that, it's buying new units and pilots and upgrading when technology allows. The only thing I can think of beyond that is changing your squad composition depending on the mission, but I rarely do that since a horde of Reapers is usually the best thing provided you can afford them.
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Well, I finally figured out a way to get my machine to record video with working audio and I broke down and got a youtube account finally so I'm going to try and do the next installments in video unless there are objections. I'll probably record it all at once and add annotations in place of the flavor text between screenshots. If I need more detailed explaining, like I had with the upgrades, I'll probably do it in a block of text under the video.
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I believe the music was taken from different CD tracks in Earthsiege 2, which came out around the same time as this. They do however appear to just be short clips and not the full 5+ minute long tracks.


Yeah, about 3 Jackups will get most of the higher end units up to their max for the length of a battle. They were totally going into battle completely stoned, especially Ma Yuan who I think had about 6 shots. Fortunately for Bioderms, they don't get hangovers and can get their alcohol streams filtered out when I throw them into the vats when we get home!

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