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What are the opposite versions of which alien?


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For Lobbies take blastas and thermic lances for the front line guys and give your snipers sonic cannons. The blasta is weaker but you can realistically fire twice in one turn with it and therefore deal more damage. Lances can usually take them out in one hit and are good for storming subs and other tight places.
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I think it's gillman corpse and live or maybe dead calcinite for the lances. The sonic weapons go in order from weakest to most powerful, can't jump straight to the heaviest like in UFO. So pistol, blasta, cannon, then craft cannon. But since the weaker guns can fire faster they are fairly even in terms of effectiveness.
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Accuracy woes? Train it up by blowing your enemies to bits with sonic pulsers! Trust me, it doesn't make sense, but the game treats any hit you score with a grenade as if you'd scored it with a gun.


Lobstermen are real suckers for the thermal shok bombs. They take half damage from everything else, but take normal damage from stun. Amazing what a simple magna blast grenade can do to an unconcious lobsterman. :)


If you're incredibly patient, gas cannons with HE shells are just as effective as sonic pistol rounds on a shot-per-shot basis. I kid you not, I ran a damage comparison and they achieve almost identical damage levels, only the GC-HE shells had a much bigger chance of scoring some damage. But trust me, you're far better off with a more reasonable weapons, like a sonic cannon or a drill.


By the way, for any large terror unit in general, consider using area effect weapons. Under armour is always the weakest point on a creature (Except probably your Sonic/PWT Displacers) and explosive type weapons (which include shok bombs) always attack under-armour.


As for the page Jman4117's talking about:





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I suppose those aliens better pray that itll be a long time before I get sonic pulsars

(right after I finsh the shok bombs :) ) then... nadespam! (from natural selection, its when you launch nades. over and over and over and over till you run out of nades

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