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MindJack is a third-person cover-based shooter, where Mr P Rotagonist has the ability to take control of civilians, enemies and machines in addition to combat. Obviously this can be used to...hey, why can't I pause the game?


Helloooooo. I cannot pause ze game.


Wait a sec. Start, nope. Select, nope. PS button, nope. Erm.


Last resort, let me check the manual.


Hmm. Alright, well, this pad has seen some abuse, maybe the buttons are not working properly. I'll just have to press them harder.




I can't pause the game. But I've been able to pause games for...well, I don't know the last game I couldn't pause. It's been around for decades.


Has there been an anti-pause revolution in Japan's game developers? Anti-Pausa Revolucion?


I just want to pause the sodding game while I make a cup of tea! Help!

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"We open with the headlines: one more dehidration victim has been found this Sunday in the UK. Apparently unable or unwilling to unplug from a deadly game people alone or unassisted succumb to after mere days.


The Japanese government insists in denying any involvment in this serious incident which slowly ravages our country and has rejected to take action against the company responsible.


Tension continues to escalate and, without further pause, the war cabinet has reportedly been convened to take action.


Sadly, for many, it shall be too late."




Now let go of that rubbish! You're a 12th Dan PC Master - if you want to retain some shred of honor, you'll stop this instant and submit to the wait for a real challenge: Thief 4!



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