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Dark Void


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What's the best way to start a game where you basically play as the Rocketeer, flying around, shooting, kicking arse?


What's that?


Five minutes of flight, and then a flashback section an hour long where you don't have a jetpack and have to run around in a cover-based shooter section like a moron?




But that's what the devs have done. ;)


The last straw was an urgent platforming section (I mean, you've got a jetpack, for God's sake, why are there platforming bits? Idiotic. The jetpack is just used as an excuse for standard platforming abilities, double jump, hover, etc). I jumped from one platform to the next, didn't quite make it, activated my jetpack. No problem, right? He'll grab onto the edge, right?


The Spackateer promptly slides along the edge of the platform, refuses to grab onto it, and falls to his doom.


It's one thing to get frustrated for a game. It's quite another to play it and be embarrassed for the developers. They've put together a game where you control a man with a jetpack, but they don't let you use the jetpack until they want you to.

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