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World of Tanks. Disturbingly addictive.


Essentially Counterstrike. With tanks. And a long, long XP/research tree for upgrades. (Plus self-propelled artillery and tank destroyers, for added tactics.)


Fights are max fifteen minutes, and you seldom have to wait more than a minute to jump into a match. Fifteen players to a side makes for a good variety. Hiding in the bushes with a tank destroyer and bulldozing through a wall with a heavy tank is... enjoyable. Scouting in a light tank for the artillery is ... tense.

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Stupid under-powered PC. No-one told me hamsters get old and die.




It's not that good, though, right Knan? It's not like I'd enjoy it, or anything, the cat and mouse of tank warfare; the tension, the gunnery, the horror.


The horror.


The horror.

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High point tonight: Taking out a heavily damaged Tiger II with a Marder II at point-blank from the side. Could barely believe it. The Tiger II could probably destroy me by batting me with the gun turret. (Ignore that they both are German, teams are assigned multinationally)


Low point: Failing to stop a heroic light tank from zooming into the middle of our base and calling out directions for a rather massive artillery barrage. All our artillery knocked out in two minutes flat. He died, obviously, but things went downhill fast from there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's fun teaming up, yep. I like to coordinate via Skype.


Ping me if you want... knaan_estest on skype, WolfOfCampscapel in game. (European server) :laugh:


Saving for a KV heavy tank at the moment.


Still a beta, so there's a pre-release wipe coming up in March sometime, I hear.

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I have a tier 2 russian tank now, saving up 90k for a tier3 but not played today. I think I could easily get hooked to this game but for me they've missed out the ability to easily play with friends. I added a few people to my list yesterday expecting to be able to form a group with them but apparently I need to be a premium member...


What's that all about? I'm not going to pay so I can play with people I actually know but in my opinion the inability to do so makes the game pretty much pointless. If you have friends anyway, works fine for the loners and losers who are happy playing 23hours a day to pick on noobs :laugh:


Anyway, I don't know what the plan is for the server in the final release but this automated selection is crap. I don't mean for balance either, I've had a few crap games where my team got annihilated but it wasn't unbalanced, my players just sucked (myself included)


The fact that it's impossible to play more than one mission with the same person makes communication impossible and noone listens anyway so there are never any tactics. I also find the use of artillery rather disappointing though they do provide easy kills if you're able to get behind them :P


As in any multiplayer game there are campers which is just shocking but that's unfortunately unavoidable I guess...


Apart from the inability to select basic game criteria like level, faction, tier of tank, players invited etc it's a pretty fun and addictive game! My FPS are shot to pieces, never above 10, even with the most basic settings so something is wrong there. I was told it's only capable of utilising a single core at the moment though so fixing it to address at least quad-cores before the final release should fix that.


The only other thing that bugs me with this game is the waiting. The time in the garage is as long or short as you choose to make it and initial queuing time for a game is less than 5 seconds in my current experience. The problem is after this that it seems to take anything up to 1minute and quite often much longer. Add to that the fact that games last anywhere from 30 seconds to 10minutes (depending on skill of course) and after death you simply have to wait for the remainder of the batle and it's a very boring experience.


I played one mission where I was instantly killed by an ally... Another I was imediately destroyed by enemy artillery guesswork... Another time we were down to one tank who was camping so we had to wait for the whole 11minutes while the idiot sat there and did nothing...


What I'd like to see is another mode of gameplay along the lines of Battlefield with respawning of players and a flag-holding, point-reducing sort of thingy... It's similar to what's already in place, just add a few more flags per map and remove the base capture. Replace it with a timer that counts down points in your team when the enemy holds more flags than you. It gives you a much longer more enjoyable game, time to get to know your team, higher frags per player and a significantly more enjoyable game...


Anyway that's me doen :oh: Knan I'd love to have a few games with you but I'm not on Skype lol or anything else for that matter! Let me know here if you're playing this eve, my player name is Munty ;)

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During the beta, you get "gold" every day so you can pay for Premium to group with people. And only the one forming the group needs to be "Premium" member.


And if you play a tank destroyer, you're supposed to camp - that's your tactical role :laugh:


You don't need to wait until the fight is done ... just exit battle, grab another tank from your stable and jump right back in in another battle. At the moment, it's quick throwaway battles that's the name of the game. There's supposed to be a campaign coming...

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Post up when you're on tomorrow and maybe I'll see you there. I played with some guy today but it was crap if I'm honest. There's no way to keep track of teammates ingame as all icons look the same and the only way to chat is in-between missions which means you have to make an even bigger gap between playing. Sure you can chat ingame but then you can't play :laugh:
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Right, some useful stuff to know (Tank Wolfpack Tactics 101):


Holding ALT pops up names above the tanks you can see. Makes it easier to keep track of people.


And pressing T while targeting someone tells the team that you're attacking him.


Shift to go into/out of sniping mode. Scroll wheel to zoom. (Took me dozens of matches to figure that out.)


People you can't see yourself can see and shoot at you if they're in radio range to someone that can see you. So taking out scouts is high priority. Bushes can work as cover to avoid being spotted, until you fire.


If you're the lightest tank on the team, spotting for your own artillery is something of the most useful thing you can do. Even though you'll burn and die gruesomely, you get experience for spotting.


Will be on later tonight, I think. :laugh:

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Nah I quit playing - in few days there will be full release and a hard wipe. Got bored of this game, too much camping. The game after Tier 8 is no fun. And of course if you have low tier then my Maus nor my KT wont help you.


Remember that platoons which are available at premium accounts have limit to 3 players.


The real thing in kiling your opponent is to know its weak spot. For german tanks it is mostly MG gunner and driver window on hull. Some higher tiers have bugged gun muntlets like KT, Maus, JT, but it will be fixed soon. The under armor of any tank is weak.


Although this game supposed to be aracade it is a mix of arcade and sim due to tank armors have different values at different places, also the angle works here.


If you can't penetrate tank switch to HE rounds. You wont do much dmg but you will kill him. If enemy has 1% HP it is your 99% chance to kill him if you have problems with AP.


Rotating turret in bush is considered movement.


Holding you aim even if the aiming circle is full still improves the chance of hit. In order to hit someone from 500m range you need to at least try to aim 5-10s (depends on the gun). The lowest the number in accuracy (dont remember the name) is better. For example gun with 0.3 is better than with 0.35.


And here is super pro tip: Artilery is god damn too powerfull and acurate, and they will bring even better arty at Tier 8.

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  • 1 month later...

Been having fun with this for a while. Wipe of the beta and full release April 12th.


Tier 4-6 tanks and tank killers are definitely fun. Especially in a three-tank platoon. (KV-3 heavy tanks for preference)

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