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Was on "Battle: Los Angeles" - update will come tomorrow.





Base captured - hell of a battle: 40 turns killed all - Commander captured + extra navigator.


I think that outcome was pretty good - stupid deaths + one on my personal mistake though I think it was a bit too much on the bad luck.


I don't remember in good ol days that second part of colony was so slow. Guess it is the emulation thing.


AAR done - not full - guess no one would write 40 turns action :) So I have written first half of the battle - rest in summary with pictures freely to look at.

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I think that only Tleth itself has more aliens :) Artifact sites has similar number maybe less, but is tougher due to part 2 also has MC aliens.


Also why so frigging big colony has only 108 Aqua plastics? - Smaller dreadnought has more :)


64 aliens vs 10 aquanauts + tank - that is somewhat 6:1 ratio.

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Well done, that's another major hurdle out of the way. :)


Re plastic harvesting, we get a tenth of the units present in a USO, or a 150th of the units that make up a colony. That is to say, colonies have way more, but we can only collect a much smaller fraction of them. :)

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Ok, that was a quick mission, fortunately! and with DPLs, these kind of missions are way easier.


NKF, the transmission resolver is not complete yet, it has 18 days to go still, so I left it there.


I wasn't sure what to research next, so I put the particle disturbance sensor, that should give the next commander a chance to assign something else once it's finished.

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Thought someone mentioned the resolver was done? If not then that's fine. Should be ready on my next turn.


silencer_pl: Great work there! Shame about the six aquanauts (some rising stars amongst them too) but I think the results are well worth it. Means we can slack off a bit in the area until the end of the month. :) Nah, just kidding.




Our Displacer's lasted a bit longer than the Coelacanth, hasn't it?



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Haha, yeah membership to the TankBusters club is now closed :) Recruiting for the DisplacerBreakers will commence soon :)


Where are the rest of these avatars? Every time I see myself on a mission I soil myself lol. It didn't matter so much when I was dying every mission but I'm a hardened vet now :) Lots of missions, lots of kills and Commander rank. If he dies while someone else is using him I'm going to be super-miffed :(

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If we research the commanders out of order they'll indeed be wasted (this is also true in EU). At the moment we're not yet ready to work on them.


Hammerheads are a waste of time. Mantas not quite so much, but they're also fairly pointless.

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Hammerheads are actually more useful than UFO's lightning as an interceptor, and they're much cheaper to build than the Manta.


Also if the wiki's stats are correct, the Hammerhead has Leviathan acceleration and more fuel capacity. Max speed 4030km (the Lightning only had 3100). It can also intercept subs at deeper depths than the Barracuda. Second to the Leviathan in amount of hitpoints - it can take a reasonable beating. Overall not too shabby an upgrade over the Lightning.


If we've got the fuel for it, I guess it couldn't hurt to build one and then go for the Leviathan. I'd like to at least keep the Triton in operation - it's reliable.



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I'm not saying it's a bad craft; I'm saying it's a waste of time. :)


That is to say, as far as I see it we're past the point where additional aerial firepower is useful. I'm also interested to see if that second base turns out to be of any use; have the guys over there seen any action yet?

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'cause we can spend money on other things. I suspect we'll probably be finished within five months.


If someone really wants to make certain craft, then it's not like I'm going to stop them - that'd go against the entire point of a campaign like this. I just don't see the point of making attack ships anymore. :)


Speaking of "other things", what are we taking to T'Leth? A full ship of aquanaughts'll require a lot of time to prepare, so I suspect we'll have some tanks. PWTs or sonics? I quite like the idea of four PWT tanks cruising around...


The mission is made up of three parts, so we could also consider having three players work on it. Could flip for the positions or something. Don't mind whether I'm in on it or not (we could just have Grossbeer do the whole thing, as has already been suggested); but it's all something to consider...


What did we decide on MC? I thought we were going to allow one disruptor device in the field at any given time, and even that would allow a significant reduction in X-COM fatalities, but everyone seems to be ignoring that research branch at the moment. :)

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silencer_pl, I think you're up next. If we've got the cash and resources to build and support one, go ahead and make a Hammerhead.


Since we've been facing Lobsterman for a bit, we haven't really had heavy MC heavy opposition which is why the MC Disrupter's not been a priority. Have we captured a live Tasoth yet? If not then we'll need one to complete it. The MC Generator that comes with the project is very tempting.





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Or it would, but he's being even slower then I am at the moment, so we'll skip him for now. :)


There were two Tasoths captured during my last turn, by the way.


Seems we can't research Leviathans yet for some reason? The UFOpedia wiki indicates they should be open to us at the moment, but a little voice at the back of my head is telling me we'd need to branch into alien research first (the T'Leth path).

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Great work on the sub. I'll give it a night and if we don't hear from Grossbeer, I'll take my turn next. He can always have two turns later. :)


Yeah it will be the Lobsterman Commander we're short on for the Leviathan. Since we have just the one, we better save it and kill two birds with one stone and get the T'Leth research done at the same time. We'll start on Random Alien first - which you've already got started.



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Whenever I get large fleets like this, I often skip most of the lesser ships, but the dynamics are different with this game since there's more players and plenty of aquanauts. But it'll also depend on how quickly the Triton will refuel after each assault.


Er, yes. That's why we need to get the Tasoth done. Yes.




The fact that we'll get the MC Disrupter and MC Generator out of this particular Random Alien is entirely coincidental. :)



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