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Not easy foes, no. Best way to protect yourself against them (and chryssalids) is to always be aware of your surroundings and make sure they don't sneak up from any blind sides. Reaction fire is almost essential to stop charges. If not to kill them, then to at least disrupt the charge.


Just did a scan of the wiki and here are some useful notes:


Superhuman Tentaculats have about 6 under-armour and take 50% more damage from HE. Means explosives can do a right number on them. GC-HEs might have a fair chance against them if we're desperate or want to conserve the exotic ammo.


Sides and back lightly armoured. Quite hefty front armour though (3rd highest), so best to flank them before attacking.



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Tentaculats can also have a chunk more TUs then Chryssalids (or less, as the case may be, but the potential is there). For whatever reason those steel bugs from EU don't worry me, while Tentaculats do. This may or may not be because I used to believe that Tentaculats had MC powers (they're giant floating brains, for crying out loud!) - it's certainly true that the aliens they're fielded with are typically much more powerful then snakemen.


That and TFTD bases are more cramped then EU ones; there isn't much in the way of lengthy, uninterrupted corridors, meaning that your reaction stats are either very good or a Tentaculat will jump out at point blank range and getcha. And when they getcha, it's a guaranteed kill, a single blow lands and you've got a zombie to deal with.


Even without the Tents, though, the Tasoth effectively had most of my squad out of commission in the second stage. If I'd managed to take down the leadership or score a large number of kills quickly that wouldn't've been such a problem - but while that sort of thing is easy to do in the wide open spaces of the surface areas, in the confines of the base things move much slower (heck, it takes a good couple of turns just to secure the lift modules, because most units start on the top floor).


Still, things went a little bit better then I was expecting.

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Indeed, RIP Tracey and Tracey... And it sucks that we have our first MIA but you're totally right, she stood no chance lol


Good job though, 5 losses is more than we've had in a while but that's a much more difficult mission than we've had for a while too. I believ NKF is up next and then it's my turn again, that means the next mission needs to be huge so I get a normal small one please :laugh:

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I've been wanting a more ordinary recovery mission, but knowing TFTD it'll go and throw some epic mission at me. Must be the turn order. :laugh:


Anyway, I'll have a crack at it tonight.



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The Hammerhead.


Got my wish, a rather ordinary mission for a change. Looks like it went all right, with the only two deaths (self inflicted) caused by a pulser that embedded itself in the wing of the Triton. Quite a lucky escape for everyone else though.


Oh and keep an eye on Jose Estavez, he has the potential to be another Tracy Moreland. Only moderate MC Strength, but I was getting 95% kneeled aimed sonic cannon rounds from this chap. That's probably even better by now, so he'll be quite an asset if he can be kept safe.



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That went well. :laugh:


Few things to note, I put troopers into training from the top of the list down, so assigning from the bottom of the list up will avoid them. Really I'd advise giving combat training to troopers with high MC skills, though (as we'll want high stats all round for the T'Leth mission) - give them a magnav suit, have them fly up above the Triton, and hey presto, you've got snipers who pretty much can't be shot.


To specifically confirm/deny MC training status, go to the soldiers button in the base view, click a name. There'll be a note about MC implantation if they're currently assigned.


...Presumably troopers gain further MC skill by having more chips shoved in their skull, I dunno, I always considered MC to just be a desparate attempt to "not use the word psi"...


Promotions for Seaman to Able Seaman are never mentioned, just as UFO's Squaddie rank is also never brought up during mission results. Any soldier with combat experience will go immediately to Able Seaman, but higher ranks can only be achieved if there are enough "underlings" to justify promotions.


That is to say, to get more promotions, we either need to hire more units or kill more officers. Prior to and during your mission neither happened, so... no promotions. :oh:


Whereas prior to my mission I hired twenty more units (to defend the second base, which had been left totally unsecured)... then I got at least one Commander killed in battle. Hence the long promotion list I got at the end.

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But to be fair you had a much tougher mission than me anyway whereas my guys only killed a handful of Gillmen :laugh: It's nice to see I've made it all the way to Commander as now I can hide in the transport for the remaining missions haha


As for promotions, I didn't realise the 1st one wan't shown in either games, go figure :oh: By 'combat experience' do you mean simply flying a mission or must they obtain a wound/kill/whatnot to justify the increaed rank? I did start from the bottom of the list as that's where all the rookies were so fingers crossed I didn't mess with the MC training too much.

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We do have enough soldiers for the highest rank (Captain), and the position is taken (not, unfortunately, by one of the more MC-capable units). What I was saying is that once the initial promotions at the beginning of the game are over and done with, we typically only see more when we hire/kill units.


Once a unit qualifies for promotion, they can go all the way up to Captain even if they only ever fight in a single battle (though typically more experienced units will get preference for the higher ranks). To qualify, they need to have landed a hit on something, performed a reaction shot, used psi/MC, or just not panicked while their morale is under 50.

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Let's kill the captain then I can get another promotion yay!!!


Also on a more serious note... Can we introduce some other Avatars and try to get them up to good ranks for T'Leth? Would make for a much better read if all of us are there for the final mission. Brothers in Arms :laugh:


Seems strange to gain more than one promotion in a single battle, didn't realise it was possible, I like Apoc where it's only one per mission. Strikes me as a more realistic way to handle it.

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Introducing more player avatars would be a good start. I had to conciously remind myself to put a self insertion rookie on the ship on my last turn. I keep forgetting about it. :laugh:


If you mean from the other readers as well, we could start adding nicknames to some of our more notable aquanauts in time.



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Dude good work so far, keep that up and I don't think anyone will mind that you're doing the colony :) Word of warning though, you get me killed I'm onna hunt you down lol


What's the deal with 30+ images btw? Is there no limit when you embed them in the post?

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I'm alive and well guys, I've been pulling some long hours at work (70+ hours last week). I'll go after silencer_pl if that's ok with everyone.


Now, for some reason I had subscribed to this topic and somehow the e-mail notifications stopped arriving... :)

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I often feel like splitting my posts when there are too many pictures, but a bit of scrolling-action and patience does the trick.


silencer_pl: I don't think anyone would mind much. We've got the tech to take it on, and so far none of us have really had to rely on the colony for its fleet supply cruisers at all (can't remember the last time one docked there), so go for it. Try to bring us home a Commander too!


Also can you or CP do me a favour? Listener-1's transmission resolver is complete, so could a sub pen be placed anywhere to the north of it? Thanks.



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