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Looks like a bit of a detour. It would be a shame to lose silencer_pl's well played big mission, but I'm happy to backtrack as the last two Cruisers The Veteran and myself took were breezes that we can afford to forget them.




Maybe rather than delete the last couple of missions, we can detach the sidetracked mission and stick them in a one-off after action report thread or something for posterity. :P



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Well me and NKF can easily forget about our cruisers so that's 2 votes to go back... Silencer I know it would suck to miss out on your last mission but is it really worth striking off 5 other missions including research and development progress just so we can keep it? There was NKF's Dreadnought in there as well as 3 more cruisers and BBs hunter. I think that's a good trade off for one Alien Activity mission. Besides we'll still be overdue a terror jobby if we go back so maybe you'll get one again who knows?
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If that save insaide a save is the right save I'll redo my part again.


I have just checked - that save inside a save is even older - so I guess BB uploaded wrong save - totally wrong one - if he dosen't have the proper one what we will do ?

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Weird... Not sure how he's managed that but we'll see what he says when he's back with us! If he doesn't have it then the choice will be with him but I guess he'll just redo his mission to produce a new save and we can go from there. If he's anything like me he'll make multiple saves in case of crashes and such so we might be lucky. We'll have to wait for him to tell us though so have a sleep on it hey :P
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I thought I explained with my last post.


The last save I uploaded, if extracted into one's game folder in the exact same way as every other save I uploaded, is the correct save. This is not the save game silencer loaded.


For reasons I cannot fathom, I included a month-old save game in a sub-folder within it. This is also not the save game silencer loaded, though he did extract it into his save folder (without overwriting his previous save).


The save game silencer loaded is neither of the ones I uploaded. It's the one he last uploaded (from a few days ago - and sorry about the gender thing, your avatar's name threw me!).


If it all sounds like a massive coincidence, it's because it is. We both stuffed up, but either way, if the save from my last post is extracted normally... it'll work normally.




So we have two choices as to what to do about this.


One, we can continue from after my last mission, which means removing the three missions that came after that (silencer, NKF, Vet). As NKF suggested, these will be moved to a different thread. The downside to this is that none of these three missions involved any losses on our part.


Two, we can remove the five missions that occurred between silencer's last mission, and the mission he took before that (Vet, BB, NKF, Photon, BB). The downside to this is that we lose more missions and progress, and silencer will be taking two consecutive turns.


So cast your votes, people! Option one seems preferable to me, even if we'd lose some exceptional mission results.

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Nice work Silencer, 4 kills in one shot for mini-me :) I'd really like to know how many that makes it now, think it should put him quite high on the leaderboard. Though truth be told he's better at MCin' than nukin', either is good lol


The Blaster launcher has already cropped up the two times I've attacked Lysear's base actually. They have no waypoints in multiplayer though so its like a big rocket launcher. Still just as deadly but it hasn't claimed any lives so far! Last mission we played togetehr was a rather sneaky hit and run where I managed to escape his base with a heavy plasma and clip for research. He doesn't have them yet except by default in base defence so if my research is quick I'll outgun him soon :P

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For your record - those 2 ajax lunchers are ment to replace the Sonic Oscilators if we decide to make another leviathan or manta for other bases. Having the leviathan will render Barracudas useless and because we can't disarm interceptors - the Ajax Luncher is the cheapest replacer.
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Aha that makes sense :P I remember you 'selling' the other one now I believe :) Any thoughts on my one man army? I included the save just in case whoever's next wants to skip a boring Cruiser mission. IT's more points and another 50 Zrbite in the bag so there's no harm keeping it but it was just a silly 'I wonder what would happen if' mission so we can quite easily forget I did it and treat it a such.
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