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(Alternate really mean title: The game for the City of Hero/Villan rejects!)


(I'm so sorry.)



So my brother lost a bet with me, and I'm now in posession of this game. Obviously it's not been out long enough for an actual review, but my personal first impression is that it's kinda unpolished (read: No actual part of the tutorial explains the power trees) in different ways; but then again it's only been out less than a week?


Aparently hugely popular however, since yesterday they had to shut the servers down pretty much the last half of the day(at least US-PC servers) to add more capacity and a few new servers too.



Anyone else snag this thing up, by chance?

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You can't play as Batman = no sale. I simply don't see the attraction, but it is the first MMO ever to bother with the PlayStation 3, so who knows, it may actually attract me if it has any gameplay rather than just grinding (looking at you, virtually every other MMO).


What's your character like, 'Flashy?

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Actually, I understand you CAN play as Batman and the other iconic characters, just in PvP matches (You and a team play as the heros, vs another team playing as joker and the other villans).


Not being a huge PvP person, I'm kinda unclear on this.



I've also yet to make up my mind as for my character, since the different power sets are really oddly put together(so it seems to me); and any 'class/powerset' can use any weapon type(that you choose at creation).


I'll let ya know though. ;)

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