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Considering this one. The price is right. The demo video looks cool - simultaneous turn-based, and an actual intuitive interface for 3D movement orders. Blowing ships up and looting the remains - what could be more relaxing?


It's a few months old, or I'd post it in news.


(Grumble. Found the other topic. Now why didn't that show up when I did a search?)


Did you like it, FullAuto?

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First off, I resent the implication that just because I notice a game, this somehow means I go and buy it. This is just not true. That I have bought Flotilla is irrelevant. This slur on my name must not go unchallenged. I see games all the time and don't buy them. I saw some games today and didn't buy them. I've hardly bought any games this month. So there.


That said, it's well worth the asking price. The battles need a fast-forward button and the camera needs rejigging (when I started playing it almost made me bite myself with frustration). You have to keep reminding yourself that there is no 'up' in space, it really is 3D, so you need to use horizontal and vertical movement plus manoeuvring your ship to change orientation. It's one of the few (I say few, I can't remember any others) games where space is really 3D. Battles are random, and so can be a bit/very/incredibly unfair.


It's very random, and quite bizarre, and the short length of the game keeps it from getting boring, but if you sit down and play it for hours it gets repetitive. If you play on Hardcore, it lengthens the game time, but I don't think it was meant to be played for ages at a time, it's not a space opera, it's a crazy adventure/battle game meant for short bursts.


Flawed, but worth it because it's so cheap.

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