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Alien Stowaways


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This happened a long time ago, and another thread just sparked my memory.


I remember once I tried to see what would happen if I brought an alien into the Triton and evacuated. I remember that the next mission was aquatoids, and when I walked out of the Triton, there was my Tasoth friend. He was under the control of the aliens, obviously, but he was unarmed.


Am I remembering this wrong? It actually could have been that I stunned the alien, and had his body in the Triton, I really don't remember. Is this possible?

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I don't have much to say on this topic. I've had corpses appear on my equipment pile before -- usually for shot down ships. I think I might have had an unconcious floater in UFO at one time too. If I remember correctly, it was a navigator.


Apart from that, I have no idea why it's happening. :)




P. S: Fox, are you sure the mission was strictly an aquatoid mission? It could have been a mixed crew.


P. P. S: In UFO, evacuating while a concious alien is in your ship/exit pads, mind controlled or otherwise, will only result in you getting its equipment. The alien itself just vanishes. I don't know if the same is true for TFTD.


P. P. P. S: A though occured to me. Perhaps the tasoth in the unit table and the 'tasoth corpse' in the item table weren't properly cleared. I'm thinking of something similar as setting a proximity mine and not using it by the end of a mission ends up passing its 'set proximity mine' flag onto another item (for the Collectors Edition). It's a million-to-one chance that both the item table and unit tables (both of them) weren't properly cleared when the mission started, but I suppose the possibiity is still there.

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Wow, that was the quickest response I've ever seen!


Well, that is indeed odd. So were the soldier's names and stats all the same? Or did it say like, "Reaper Right Leg" or something? :)

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