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The Quick and the Dead and the Stupid.


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"Captain Roosio, leading from the front"


And once again, as it has happened so many times before, it is proven in X-Com, as in life, that the titled gentry make the finest officer material!


Daddy was most upset I had to enter as a rank and 'earn' my commission like some common coal miner's son, but it does seem the rank and file find it so much more palatable to their malformed morals that way.


Anyway, must dash. Toodle-pip.


Sir Roosio MC, DSO, CGC, GC, MBE, TWAT

Capt, X-Com

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Hey how did I end up in this mess? I was just having a drink with these nice fellas and next morning I wake up in an X-COM uniform at some secret location! (I bet that's how X-COM gets recruits - how else do you explain troops throwing prox grenades at their feet?)
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Hell, I always wanted ta' see Cape Town before I died. Any seats left on this Ruskie flyin' bus?



GAME OVER! Insert coins to continue.


Actually when I posted this I didn't notice FullAuto already had me on the duty roster. Thanks man, I'm genuinely touched. Harrumph.


DragonHawk, closest to the blast, is torn to shreds. JFG, busy reloading his autocannon, and NKF, stood over him, are both killed.


I appreciate the meatshield, NKF, but those potatoes are killers. (Mmmm, meat and potatoes.)


Good thing we're using Avatar technology. Clone me up another meatsuit, and ring me when its ready. I'll be playing Minecraft. :(

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sir-roosio is faced with the challenge of motivating the troops to go on their third mission in 24 hours. "Now, chaps, what we need to do, is go out there, and hit the enemy for six!"


"Let's not, and say we did." chirps Matri, cheerily.


"Now, come on, that sort of negativity will get us nowhere!"


"But that's exactly where we want to go..." murmurs Slaughter.


"Just get on the bloody Skyranger."


And lo, the crash site began.


Strike and Bomb Bloke v2.0 realise they are the only ones without personal armour. "What is this bullshit!!" They chorus, to be soundly ignored by the others, safe in their smug armoured mentality.


Grossbeer jumps out with as little enthusiasm as he can muster, and lets fly at an enemy, splashing the landscape with HFD and missing the Floater by miles.


Captain roosio sorts the Floater out with a desultory blast, and sweeps on, leaving Grossbeer muttering about sights and contact lenses and still being a little drunk.


Sergeant Strife and Captain roosio reach the UFO and split up.


sir-roosio led his rather Aryan team around the rear of the UFO, to circle around and come at the other door...


while Az and co. form up on the closest door.


Az is killed by long-range plasma fire, Matri's reaction fire kills the shooter, notching up his first kill. "I just lost my alien virginity!" Sergeant Voyager leads the way.


A burst only wounds the Floater, and reaction fire from it and an unseen enemy off to the right wounds Voyager. He exits, dodging more reaction fire, and Matri kills the Floater.


Zombie II enters, kills the closest Floater, and then is dropped by a stun bomb direct hit.


Troops swarm in, Bomb Bloke v2.0 somehow finding himself leading the way in his fragile unarmoured state.


Floaters bob into view, trying to repel boarders, and are cut down by incessant laser fire.


Floater abattoir! Voyager, lagging behind due to his wound, shoots Zombie II full of stimulant, trying to revive him.


ulairion, cradling his autocannon nonchalantly thanks to his Strength of 45, spots a Floater.


It floats through a proxy, undeterred by the explosion puncturing it with hot fragmentation, but two AP rounds to the chest do the trick. ulairion settles back down, cozily knelt behind a wall, guarding the assault team's rear.


Zombie II perks up, as he should with two medikits worth of stimulant pumped into him.


"Woooo!" He recovers his kit and sets off at a sprint for the lift, heart doing a 320bpm bongo in his chest. "Outofthewayoutofthewaysomeonegetmesomewaterandsometechnomusic!"


He catches two Floaters coming down in the lift, and burns them both, charring their purple buttocks (if they have buttocks) to crispy black barbequed alien haunch.


The Floater Leader panics, appropriately enough as the troops hit the top deck.


A dropped plasma pistol near the lift probably means he's unarmed. Kaije gets a little carried away, runs on ahead with his stun rod waving, and is shot down. Matri performs a laser headectomy on the shooter, and it's all over bar the crying and PTSD.


Bomb Bloke v2.0 makes sergeant.


New bases in Australasia and South America on the back of those profits.

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DAMN, joined in 2004 and 17 posts?! How do you do it, how do you NOT post?! :(


I am possibly the most fickle internet user on the face of the earth.


I've lost count of the number of forums I have joined to promptly disappear from without trace. I'm not proud of it.

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