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Just (Be)Cause 2


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These are some of my favourite things to do in this ridiculous action-film-joke of a game:


Parasail using the grappling hook and parachute. Gain a good head of speed, and fly over a military base. Drop a string of grenades as you pass over. Giggle at the resultant chain of explosions and soar off into the distance.


Nick a plane. Preferably the Eclipse, which has some great armament (autocannons FTHFD) and is more stable than the Leopard. Find a Colonel. Scream up a few thousand metres, then roll and dive right at him. Hose the place down with autocannon fire as you zoom towards the ground. Eject at last second. Take that, you fat, armoured bastard.


This is a common one and I feel sort of stupid listing it, but it always makes me laugh. Grapple one of those pressurised gas cylinders. Grapple an innocent passing soldier (for a given value of 'innocent' given Panau is a military dictatorship). They soldier is now hooked to the cylinder. Shoot the cylinder. It will fly off like some sort of land torpedo, and the soldier will be long dead before it eventually explodes, blasting him high(er) into the air.


Blow a colonel off a rooftop with a grenade or other explosive. Armour won't help you survive a 50-storey fall.


Grapple a moving car, and just stand on it. The voice acting is hilarious. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat are youuuu doing on my caaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhh my Gaaaaaaaaaaaaad!"


If you are falling to your death, and you don't fancy using the parachute, it's okay, you don't have to die, just aim at the ground and grapple. Not only is it a grappling hook, it's a gravity nullifier. Those boffins at the CIA are brilliant!


Hijack a vehicle, not necessarily a heavy one, and find an airbase. Drive on to the runway. Ignore the alarm, and drive into the taxiiing aircraft, knocking it aside. Now watch, as the pilot, undeterred, attempts to take off. The most common result is that he overcorrects, slews off the runway, and hits a building/tree/oil pipe line and explodes. More spectacular is when he almost makes it, but clips a tree or SAM launcher with the edge of his wing/undercarriage, and blows up, spiralling into the air.


Ahh, good times.

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I've only managed to attach an enemy to a passing plane once, with predictably hilarious results, but I've hooked enemies to helicopters several times. It's something to see an attack chopper follow you with a screaming soldier suspended below like a bizarre puppet.
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Get the Bolopatch, activate the indestructible grapple lines, then hook vehicles onto the planes.


My favourite was to hook a tank to the helicopter that they send after you at maximum heat, then pull it down low enough to blast with the main cannon.


Another is to hook the statues to a passing vehicle. Let the schnook do the work for you. >:]


Ahh, good times...

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