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TFTD Bug ! Is it because of my fast PC ?!


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HI dudes :P


Iam a TFTD Fan from Germany but i have a bad problem with this game now !


i bought it years ago, and played it many many hours and now iam on to play it again !


Its realy still one of the best, but I have a strange problem appering during the Missions :)


I have shot down an Ufo so that it could not escape anymore, so i take my ship with the aquanouts to kick ass, but every second mission there is a strange bug going on !


Iam moving my soldier like allways and aproximently the "Mossion faild" Screen appers :)


Than i load the mission again and try to move some one else ...... nothing happend, i can go on for a while and suddenly the bug returns !


Also the sound and music broke too !


I played this game a lot of times, but this nerver happend to me !

Non of my soldiers is hurt, i shot some aliens and just one might be left and the alien ship is dammaged, so how the hell can the missoin get faild ????

And why do sound an music broke ?!


Does anyone know how to fix that, maybe its because of my to fast system so the games sux


Can I fix the game in some way ?

This V 2.0 patch doent work and i have nerver seen one of the listed bugs in its redme file !

The patch should be old anyway !


dammit what can i say ........HELP !!!!!!!!


Ps. nice Site and iam suppriced, the community is still alife !!!!!!

Sorry for my bad english, but i tried hard on it =)


Ca and thanx fpr replay !

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you can check the FAQ section in this forum for most troubleshooting help.


a little more info would be helpfull.. What version of windows are you using.. what are your system specs.. and what version of the game? DOS or CE?


-Blade FireLight

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Hi :)


ich checkt a lot of sites and thier FAQs :angel:


Iam a dump WinXP Prof. user with AMD 1.4GHz 256MB-DDR and GF2 MX 400 overklockt


Iam uesing the orginal Version from CD (i think its the dos one) from 1994 !


I have usualy no grafik or sound bugs !


aspecialy this "Mission Faild" Bullsh..t and this is the only situation were sound and music fall out !


This bug is realy new to me cause i played this game a thousend times so i suggest is must be caused by some kind of incompability !


Strange but it seems to :)


I also tried the compability feature in XP with the terror.exe, but it makes no difference :P


Also strange is that some people talk about this V 2.0 patch but i tried it and it makes my installed game get broke !!!!!!

Maybe i did some mistake but anyway, i tried it 5 times and allway my game got damaged by this patch !


I also have the UFO Defence Gold edition, but now it wont wor ether !

I read it that there must be something under directX what better should be disabled but i do not not what ?!

The Sound an stuff work fine but the screen is copied a lot of times and it look like many stripes floting ofer the screen !


Do you know what i can do to get Defence to work proper, cause this is my second damm problem :bomber:


Thanx buddy, iam realy depressed on it and its getting anoing ather a while !

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I'm afraid your problem is XP. the DOS version of the game that you have does not run under XP. It will alwase crash randomly in combat.


your only solution is to get a copy of Colectors eddition.

(or get a slow windows 98 system)


you can find places to buy the CE version at this site


I'm sorry I cant help you further. but I spent a week trying to do what your doing.. TFTD DOS will not run under XP without a win98 virtual machine... and that software costs 3 times what you can buy the windows version of the game for.


-Blade FireLight

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Dammit these are no good news :P


Ok so i will lay my TFTD besides and try to figure out how i can get UFO Defence Gold version run propperly until I find time to install an other windows version on my second hd =)


So do anyone know how i can fix the grifcs from the Gold version under XP ?!


Someone mentioned that there is the posibility to disable some directx freatures of my GF card so the floting stipes on the screen will disapper !


Do you have some idea waht this features could be ?!


Thanx anyway =)

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Assuming XP isn't the culprit, I see two problems here.


1. The sound's broken.


Since this is the Dos edition, you want to check TFTD's sound card settings. If the sound gets broken after playing the game for a while, then there might be other problems that are causing it.


If you're using a soundblaster compatible soundcard, you might want to try testing between the different soundblasters in the sound setup. For example, if you normally use a Soundblaster pro, try to use the older Soundblaster instead.



2. The game crashes during tactical combat.


This one sounds like an old problem, which is more common in UFO than it is in TFTD (at least, from experience). If it's happening in XP, it also happened back in MSDos 5.0. Most of the time it's followed with lots of green or blue text. Some people just refer to it as the big text bug (or just a memory dump in mode 13h text). The collectors edition UFO and TFTD also suffer the same problem, but they quit immediately rather than continue.


Something's causing the tactical combat program to get unstable which then makes it quit prematurely. If you failed the mission before this one, then the game's just gets the results from the last mission and goes on as if nothing happened.


I don't know of any definite solutions for this, but you might want to try some of the following suggestions:


- Quit the game and restart it. Alternately, restart your computer. This might help the Collectors Edition versions more than the original dos editions, but you never know.


- Delete the files in the missdat directory. Play the game a bit, wait for it to crash, then try the mission again or start a new game.


- Start a new game.


- Make backups of your savegames. Then either install a second copy of TFTD and copy your savegames into it, or uninstall and reinstall TFTD then restore your savegames.


- Always make a savegame just before the mission starts (when you're still in the geoscape). So if something goes wrong in the battle, you can reload before combat begins and try a different map.


- Abort the mission and make up for any lost points in another battle (assuming there's no crash).


Again, these aren't solutions, just suggestions. Deleting the files in the missdat directory usually fixes my game whenever I have a similar problem.



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Thanx a lot for those solutions !


But iam not so freaky to try this all every second mission !


Thats no games, that would be hell :devil:


The sound and music only stop, after the "mission faild" screen


Iam uesing the older soundblaster device and general midi for music so the problem doesnd solve from my slections !


Finaly i get this V 2.0 patch to work and the music, sounds much better.

The compability work much better now, but the problem with the fight missions is even worther !


Its not longer the mission faild stuff, but now the game crashes every time a troup is walking downstairs or even is fallenng from level 2 on the ground !


Better I spend my time in the Ufo defence gold version, rather than the hopless TFTD (under WinXP), couse this one is optimiced fpr win95/98 !


So I only need a twek utility where i can diable the 3D features of my card !


Once I had a tool where i could seperatly disable the direct 3d device or opengl !

But i can not remember whick it was couse i forgot the name of it :)


So maybe someone know the name of a tool where i can disable directx or even can post a link ?!


Thanx a lot :P

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