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Superhuman - easier?


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Is it just me, or is playing superhuman easier? Let me explain why.


1. More ships flying around = more money

2. More aliens with each ship/mission = more money

3. More equipment from each ship/mission = more money

4. More aliens = more kills = better stats


Anyone else ever think about this? I'm playing superhuman now and just kicking some serious tail.

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Yes, the aliens gets really souped up stats, and not to mention, most of the terror units gets 100% accurate snapshots (biodrones and triscene).


The harder difficulty level makes it much harder for you to start. But combat gets much easier as better technology becomes available.


I usually find that the game becomes more forgiving once you start churning out suits of Ion Armour for your troops. I mean, with Mag Ion Armour, you can actually sometimes survive a few head on attacks with sonic cannons, since your front armour is greater than the damage a sonic cannon can deal.



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I'm only in March and find everytihng a cakewalk so far. I've probably lost on average one aquanaut per mission. And that's usually the cannon fodder guy who's stats suck so bad I don't care. I've taken a new strategy on missions and thats use grenades like crazy. I've done FAR LESS re-loading this time due to using a different combat strategy.


I've had 2 terror missions, 1 port, 1 island, both were a breeze. So far I haven't fought anyhitng except gillman, aquatoids, and deep ones. I'm hoping my bases get attacked SOON cuz I need a calcinite corpse before lobsters show up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm now in July of my Superhuman level game and have to say, maintaining good month scores and high income is much easier than when playing easier levels. Last month I scored a 7900 and I now have over 24 million in funds at this time. Hardest problem is getting Zrbite at the moment, what a pain!


I have 6 bases around the world wiht transmission resolvers and things are going well. I basically just need a lobsterman commander and navigator so progress on researching so I can get the latest flying sub and I should be good to go.


One strange thing is that I have no yet any terror sites show up in about 5 months now. And I'm still getting some aquatoid missions, in July! Go figure.

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Heh, I usually have more zrbite than I really need, while in UFO, I can never get enough Elerium until much later. Of course, this was before I realised you could rob the fuel off of alien supply ships landing at nearby colonies.


By the way, for the Leviathan, you don't need a lobsterman navigator. Just a commander. By the sound of things, you've already got magnetic navigation, and that's what the lobsterman navigator originally enabled prior to the v2 update.


Speaking of commanders, capture two or three lobsterman commanders just in case, as you need a minimum of two of them to win the game. Two are needed for the T'Leth Research, but only one is required for the Leviathan research.



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NKF: you need 1 Lobsterman Naviator to get Ultimat Threat.


If you research him.. then wait on the Lobserman Comander untill you are ready to get the Leviathon you can do the T'Leth and the Leviathon with only one Commander.


-Blade FireLight

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Gosh darn it, you're right. Mind you, it can still be done with a commander if there's one in excess.


Ah well, it's good to know that there are more research items with alternative prerequisites. Would save having to make a repeat performance at an alien colony.


Which reminds me: If you're the sort that likes to put off seemingly unimportant research items such as the USO widgets for last: don't forget to have researched The Ultimate Threat's other prerequisite -- Alien Origins -- before interrogating your alien, or else your heroic attempt at capturing it will be wasted. It was rather unpleasant to find this out the hard way.... Watching all those commanders get intterogated with no results was terribly unsettling. Thought I'd accidentally researched a Tasoth Commander! :P



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Everytime I see referance to the Tasoth Commander bug I am amazed.

I have gone over the datafile with a fine tooth comb.


There is not entry in research.dat for a Tasoth Commander and No entry in the geoscape.exe Alien Stats for a Tasoth Commander.


I have even tried to edit a Tasoth Commander into my Alien Containment.


There is no way to research a Tasoth Commander. As the research.dat file does not contian the entry.


I have not checked the TFTD 1.0 files so that _must_ be the only version with this bug.. Now that I'm thinking of it I will have to check them too.

But I know that with 2.0 and CE it is imposible.


Speaking of Research Bugs... If any one has gotten stuck by one. Please send me you saved game and I will fix it.


-Blade FireLight

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I'm guessing it's a 1.0 bug too, as I've been trying to test it to see how badly it affects the armour, submarine and T'leth research branches. It just won't appear on the research roster. If this is the affect of the v2 patch, then hurrah for the programmers. Though I get the feeling I have researched it under v2 once or twice in the past, but it might just have from a v1.0 savegame.


Although it's an illegal alien, I still meet one once in a while. I tend to blow up its corpse for good measure. :P


Has anyone out there with the v2 patched TFTD (or v2.0CE) got the tasoth commander on your research list in any of your current games?



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