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Curiosities in Russia


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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, and if it has, my apologies. However, recent midnight ponderings have lead to suspicions regarding the invulnerability of Russia to hostile control, and the fact that, despite their field agents being solidly badass, the civilian population of the United Kingdom is entirely composed of spineless nancy boys.


Does the size of a country influence the odds of successful infiltration?


I mean, other than occasional stories of the US kow-towing to our new Ethereal masters, every nation to fall in accounts I've seen, at least in the early stages, tends to be... small.


Meanwhile, Russia seems to be the biggest nation in the X-Com world map, and well, we all know how Ivan reacts to Floaters offering treaties.


Anyone been able to check the relevant files? I mean, I'd be surprised if nobody'd suggested and or checked this before, but I haven't seen it mentioned much, and I haven't seen this particular bit suggested, despite searching.

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I figure it works like this:


*Aliens take over France.*


Ethereal: "Okay next we'll go knock over that big country, Ruscain?"

Frenchie: "...Russia? Um. There...MIGHT be a problem with that."

Ethereal: "Such as?"

Frenchie: "You ever hear the story of Napolean?"




....Okay, going back to work now. :cool:

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