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Turbine get's bought out by Warner Brothers.


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Just thought this might be a touch interesting incase anyone else plays LotRO(Lord of the Rings Online) , AC(Ashron's Call) or DDO(Dungeons and Dragons Online).





In lieu of not being calm enough to do anything except express dismay, I'll just quote a few of the more doom-inducing lines:


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Warner MMOs from their films, perhaps?


The interaction of MMOs with other online social networks has been slower than I thought it would be, in fact I think online gaming as a whole has been slow to adopt this, perhaps because of the many different companies involved, but it will be a good way to pull people into games. Lots of folk will happily play what their friends are playing.

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Warner MMOs from their films, perhaps?


The interaction of MMOs with other online social networks has been slower than I thought it would be, in fact I think online gaming as a whole has been slow to adopt this, perhaps because of the many different companies involved, but it will be a good way to pull people into games. Lots of folk will happily play what their friends are playing.



Cracks about the Turbine forum staff having their avatars turn into WB characters have been flying fast and thick already, yes. :)

Personally I'm more worried about what WB is gonna do to the games already out; but at least I'm not spazzin out as much as I was yesterday.


As far as the techy side goes, I think alot of what they're refering to is summed up easily by the My.LotRO.com thing they've only rolled out in the last...year? It's actually kinda interesting how well they mesh their game info and a social-networking feel. Kinda like Facebook, which is probably the intent.


Of course I'm not an expert on it myself. I mean, I've got Facebook, sooooo. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Translation: Warner Brothers has no clue what to do with an MMO game, and are only interested in the tech. Bye bye good Turbine games. >.

Having been playing DDO for the last few months or so (on and off) all I can say is that Turbine itself really doesn't have much of a clue what to do either. It's tech support line isn't open very long which means folks overseas must wait to call at odd hours. Not to mention that every time Turbine schedules "maintenance" on the servers or game (it's quite frequently), people who have a monthly contract for full access to premium content are automatically demoted to free to play. Turbine is only interested in revenue it seems and I'd guess that Warner Brothers is kinda after the same thing. It remains to be seen whether these games vanish with the buyout so I'll keep my eyes open for any news. :cool:


- Zombie

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Having been playing DDO for the last few months or so (on and off) all I can say is that Turbine itself really doesn't have much of a clue what to do either. It's tech support line isn't open very long which means folks overseas must wait to call at odd hours. Not to mention that every time Turbine schedules "maintenance" on the servers or game (it's quite frequently), people who have a monthly contract for full access to premium content are automatically demoted to free to play. Turbine is only interested in revenue it seems and I'd guess that Warner Brothers is kinda after the same thing. It remains to be seen whether these games vanish with the buyout so I'll keep my eyes open for any news. :(


- Zombie



Really? I admit I've only played AC/Early DDO (back when it was sub'd)/LotRO and haven't really bothered with DDO Unlimited; but in all these years I've not really had any major issues with their support. Then again, I've been lucky and not needed any actual support myself yet...


Now, issues with game direction? Sure. :cool:

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