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Making the game harder: Small bases


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Making the game harder: Small bases


The Rules:

you base can only be 3x3 big not the normal 6x6. This meens you if you have a hanger, then apart from your access lift you can only have 4 other buildings. (Oh an no using XcomUtil to let you place troops in an intercepter)



start the game as you would do normaly (superhuman) build your first base and save the game.

Edit the save game to remove as meny buildings as you need and arange it so it fits in a 3x3 block. (no adding a large radar or Alien Containment)

If you remove your workshop or lab you may also remove your remove your Scientists or Engineers.

Refund the cost of build the buildings you removed and buildings Crafts and Scientists or Engineers.


And start the game.




3x3 too easy?

3x3 gives you 9 squares I worked out its just about possable with 7 squares but you have to do a few crazy things like:

captureing live aliens by transfuring an equpiped skyranger to a base with out general stores but with living quarters and an Alien Containment.

building your Advenger needs to be starting in a base with a hanger, general stores and a workshop but no living quarters. Onces the project is started you knock down the general stores and build living quarters (16 days), hire 14 engineers (3 days) and build the advenger (101+ days) totle over 220 days build time.


I dont think it would be much fun playing with much smaller then 3x3.


So I'm going to try a game with a base this size and let you know how I get on.

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You're crazy, but I really am interested in how a 3x3 base would look in a base defense mission. If I have twenty soldiers camping out, and a battleship drops by, is there room for everyone to spawn? Will I have ten targets in sight from the opening frame? Could I end an assault in one turn using only alien grenades? I'm so doing this for my next base in my current game. For the sake of science.
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I dunno. It sounds harder, but not more interesting. No new tactical approaches, just slower and with less stuff per base.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if there's something interesting I missed, so I'd like to see what happens, but for now?


Not seeing the point.

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Just for clarification, does this mean you're limiting yourself to a 3 by 3 square block of dirt, or just a limit yourself to using 9 dirt blocks in total?


In my experience, I use minimal listening/intercept outposts all the time. Basically hangar, lift, one stores, one quarters and a radar. That's 8 modules - the last can be used for a mind shield. Only I tend to have their modules constructed completely at random, and I've found that the base defense missions are a lot of fun this way. Not sensible from a defense point of view, but still a lot of fun.


But to work this way with the main base - now that's interesting. It's feasible - it just means figuring out how to de-centralize the main base's manufacture, research and intercept functions. That would probably mean two or three bases that will not have interception capabilties until you get dual role interceptors. Also no secondary assault base on the other side of the globe and no dedicated psi screening facility or mass storage/manufacturing plant bases. Ah, but those are luxuries anyway. :)



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