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Infinity Ward, on the road again.

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So, years and years and years ago, way back inna dawna time, this company called 2015 made a game called Medal of Honour: Allied Assault for EA.


But they didn't like it. They thought, in fact, that it smelled, quite possibly of poo.


So they left, and formed Infinity Ward, and created the Call of Duty franchise, and all is history, except the stuff that's happening now.


It appears the head of IW and other staff may have got a tad sick of making CoD games over and over, and wanted to jump ship...back to EA?


Activision has now issued their first public statement about the lawsuit filed yesterday by the former heads of Infinity Ward, CTO Jason West and president Vince Zampella. The statement is below:


"Activision is disappointed that Mr. Zampella and Mr. West have chosen to file a lawsuit, and believes their claims are meritless," said an Activision spokesperson. "Over eight years, Activision shareholders provided these executives with the capital they needed to start Infinity Ward, as well as the financial support, resources and creative independence that helped them flourish and achieve enormous professional success and personal wealth."


"In return," the statement continues, "Activision legitimately expected them to honor their obligations to Activision, just like any other executive who holds a position of trust in the company. While the company showed enormous patience, it firmly believes that its decision was justified based on their course of conduct and actions." Activision remains committed to the Call of Duty franchise, which it owns, and will continue to produce exciting and innovative games for its millions of fans."


This comes on the heels of news that Activision is currently seeking internal documents linking West and Zampella to Electronic Arts and the possible creation of a studio outside of Activision.

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Activision's statement above was in response to a statement made by West's and Zampella's lawyer who said Activision didn't pay them some royalties. Notice how Activision pretends to deny it, but it really doesn't. PR FTW, eh?
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