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Hard, Turn-Based, FREEWARE!!!


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Found this cute little game when randomly surfing the www today: https://www.teardown.se/

It once was developed as a remake of the SpaceHulk series but due to copyright issues they changed it to a different, yet similar theme. There are many mods available (new squads, new campaigns, gfx , sounds) and the game comes with a tutorial and a mapeditor. It's turn-based and freeware. I play-tested some missions and it is very good but also rather hard, ...maybe that could also be caused by my inferior tactics :D


Can't wait to see FullAuto making an AAR of that game :)


There is also an ALIENS Total Conversion available, but I haven't tested it yet.

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https://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/alienas...game/34342.html That link worked for me. If it doesn't work, post here and I will upload it somewhere for you.


edit: I discovered that constantly moving and attacking aggressively helps enormously to survive those missions. However one has to make sure to keep a safe distance between the aliens and the troops. The humans are rather helpless in close combat and easily overwhelmed. Dead soldiers are a common thing in that game, so you either have to make backups or have to accept that sometimes only one soldier survives the mission...

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