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Mind control - argh


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2 quick notes about mind controlling...


1. If my guy is susceptible to getting mind controlled, on matter how good his stats are and how many kills he has in previous missions, I shoot him myself. The last thing I need in a mission against aquatoids and tasoths is my best guys turning against me. So anyone who gets controlled, even just 1 time, is shot on the spot. Plus, it's kinda fun. hehe.


2. I *never* send my guys through mind control training anymore. I remmeber doing that in a previous game a played a few years ago, and damn, once your guys have strong ability to take over aliens, the game is BORING!! I used to mind control every alien on screen and just walk them single file to my guys to get shot. It ruined the fun of the game, so I play it without using it.



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1. I disarm him. Preferably with a shok bomb. Then I revive him and leave him around as psi-bait so that the aliens exhaust their TU's on him. Or maybe give him a dart gun (I like pistols in UFO, but dart guns...dart guns...ugh). If he surivives, he hands in his armour and is ordered to pack up and tossed out the airlock (onto the next ship home, of course!). If he is incredibly good, I'll keep him around for lobsterman missions until his juniors are better than him. Or arm him with a vibroblade and only a vibroblade. The alien's don't know how to use them. Peculiar. It IS their technology after all... (a lobsterman weilding a lance does not count -- they have their HTH attack)


I'll never kill a mind controlled soldier if it cannot be helped. The loss in morale can be devastating if you have to kill too many of them.


2. If you think mind control and panic unbalances the game too much, do what I do. Stop using the MC disrupter and adopt the MC Reader as psionic weapon of choice. (It does have a tactical use, particularly for use in tandem with the thermic lances and thermal tazers)


If you find THAT unbalances the game too much, drop that too. If you think the MC lab makes sieving soldiers too easy, well, you can always resort to the good old method of marking the best out of a pot pourri of soldiers through actual combat in the field.


Not that bad a choice, really, but seeing as three out of the four primary alien races use psi, I feel the labs are still necessary for screening soldiers.



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  • 6 months later...

No, no, no, you don't need to kill off your weakheaded soldiers, you just form them into a separate B-team, and send them off on lobsterman missions where there is never any mind control. Course they won't be able to come to the important missions, as there is always mind controlling goin on in those.


Honestly, show a little compassion!

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Its fun to strap explosives to the weak psi guys and give em a vibroblade or dart gun then send em out first, when they see an alien get them to charge and if they get close they can shoot...... if they get gunned down on the way you get some nice fireworks.
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Too bad there isn't a beserk command, or even a chaotic command command, somewhere. Oooooops, been playing WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much Baldur's Gate 2. Anywho, aren't, on average, most missions with no, or even very little mc? And if you find said bugger, you take it out, right? I know Tasoth have MC, as well as Aquatoids, and Gillmen, right? Anyway, whack the alien with MC, and you will have less problems. I have yet to see them use MC Disrupters, but then again, I am still early in my restarted game.
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Or arm him with a vibroblade and only a vibroblade. The alien's don't know how to use them. Peculiar. It IS their technology after all...


NKF... I've had Aquatoid grenadiers in base assault missions shove thermic lances in my back before. Or are you refering to vibroblades and ONLY vibroblades?

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I say if they are controled more than once and are in the transport with the rest of the squad; blast'em.


If you can knock them out, do so and use them against lobstermen. But it is better to lose the psi-weak guy than to have him kill 3 or 4 in the transport.

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On mind controlled companions: Never kill when stunning is an option. This will disarm the soldier AND you won't suffer from the morale loss when your companions are killed. Morale loss is BAD when overall moral is at an all-time low. Because they are liabilities in combat, the really should be removed from active duty.


Fox: I meant the drills in general. I've had numerous occasions where the aliens armed with one of the drills would just stand next to me for multiple turns and all it did was walk about or just stand still.


The only aliens to ever attack me while carrying a drill were the lobstermen -- but they have their inbuilt bash attack, so it doesn't really look convincing. Apart from that, no other alien's ever attacked me with them. That's what leads me to believe that they don't know how to use them.



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well im kind of a newbie to this game and i found that mindcontrolling is unbelievebly hard to beat. When i try to attack a alien colony with full squad + SWC its always the same story....


I move my men out on my first turn and pherhaps i shot alien down if im lucky. Then on the second or the third turn 2-3 om my aquanauts gets MCed and i have to stun/kill them but they r still useless for some turns. The turn after that the hole place blows and all my men except 1-2 gets killed.


I know it isnt because of primed sonic pulsers because i've tried this without any granades at all. Even when i spread my men out with like 8-10 squares distance apart they still all blow up and the ones remaining gets either MCed or panicked.


I must be doing something wrong, the game can't possebly be this hard after only 2-3 months!


Plz hlp me with this porblem!?

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Yes it can. TFTD has always been hard -- even at beginner level difficulty.


Those explosions you were experiencing, given this is the first level of an alien colony attack mission, would have to be caused by the PWT torpedoes fired from the disrupter pulse launcher.


The disrupter pulse launcher is a terribly powerful underwater-only weapon. They're guided torpedoes and can be fired from anywhere in the map as long as there's room for the projectile to move to its destination.


The Tasoth on the first level normally carry quite a number of these PWT torpedo launchers.



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I managed to get out of that darn colony alive though =) not scoring to bad.. but hey listen to this problem then. It started with that my main base got destroyed (had 1 sonic defence 2 were on the way) and i have no saves from a long period before that incident.... Tough life i thought and continued with my other 2 bases and i also created 1 new to replace the one that were destroyed. But my new base always gets destroyed after ½-1 day werever i put it. I dont get it!? i have scored very goodvery month responding to every alarm and i have finished the missions with good results, now im stuck with my 2 bases! isnt there some way to defend newly created bases?
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You probably angered the aliens enough in most areas that they have several retaliation scout teams out scouting.


It might be worth trying to building a new base again in the same spot after its been destroyed.


Alternately, a slightly more expensive route:


You could build a few dummy bases around the base. That is to say, build three or four bases in the same area. You can leave them bare bones with just the airlock, or you could duplicate the layout for all the bases. I'd recommend starting with just one gen. stores and one living quarters to start with. Also pre-hire the guards you're going to send to this base. Store them in the base nearest to the target base. Transferring soldiers is much faster than having to wait for 72 hours for new arrivals.


Each retaliation team can only attack one base at a time. So, with the dummy bases, the odds will be much more in your favour that one of the bases will survive. If one gets destroyed, replace it immediately.


Once one base gets its gen. stores and quarters built, transfer the weapons and guards to protect it. You can now expand the base with other modules and dismantle the dummy bases.


Again, it's an expensive method, but a valid one. :)



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Ah crap! :)


When the time gets to a certain point the game f**kes up and loads itself to a mission that i did at the beginning of the campaign!!!


It does this everytime and its kinda sad cause its my only save

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HAHA lol listen to this! Now my TFTD is really f**ked up. I can avoid the game crash if i build a new base before the game crashes (around 22.23) The funny thing is that at the exact same time as the game would crash my new base got destroyed instead :)
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I've had a similar problem.


Had a problem that when I had a tranport on the way to a crash site, construction was completed on a building. Tried waiting until the building finished before launching transport. Launched mission, finished it, returned to base. One of my fighters was then call Weapon-1. Had to reinstall, and start new campaign.


(Also, there is an edit button on the top right of your posts. Use it.) :hmmm:

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