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You've got live deep ones but cannot research Ion armour and the submarines?


Right, now, listen up, as this is important. Do NOT research a live deep-one terrorist until AFTER you've researched plastic aqua armour AND Ion Beam Accelerators. If you did it in the wrong order, you won't get the Ion Armour. Worse still, if you cannot research another live deep-one terrorist, your campaign is sunk for good. You'll never get to T'Leth.


Now, with Ion Armour, you need Mag. Navigation to get Mag. Ion Armour.


Mag. Ion Armour and Sub Constructions are the prerequisites for the Manta, your first flying sub. Note, some older versions of TFTD require that you have a Lobsterman Navigator for Magnetic Navigation. Also, in the older versions, the prerequisites for Mag. Ion Armour are Magnetic Navigation and plastic aqua armour. You can bypass Ion Armour completely!


Once you're done with the Manta, you get the Hammerhead.


With the Hammerhead done, you'll need a lobsterman commander to get the Leviathan, the sub you need to get to T'Leth.


Hopefully you've done Alien origins already, so make sure you've done that early on in the game, as it's required for the tech you need to go to T'Leth.


Anyway, with the Leviathan done, research ANOTHER lobsterman commander and you'll soon be on your way to T'Leth once you have "T'Leth the alien's city".


Oh, by the way, as Crazy Photon suggested: DO NOT research a Tasoth commander EVER. At least, get the leviathan and "T'Leth the alien's city" before you do.


Okay. Armour, Submarines, MC(optionally) and T'Leth are all interelated (and oddly enough, the only tech you need to win the game), and, quite frankly, the most buggered up bits in the research tree. I think I'd better write an Armour, Sub, T'Leth FAQ some time ...



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Ok so i started again and i waited until i researched the IBA first then the deep one then i got the plastic armour,how do you get the iron amour, i allready researched mag nav,i hope i havnt made another mistake,

ps im half way trough researching my 2nd deep one,is that ok?

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You can research another Deep-One? Swell! Put research on it on hold for a bit.


Here's my suggested research order for Ion Armour.


- Deep One Corpse, Aqua Plastics, Plastic Aqua Armour, Ion Beam Accelerators and finally the Live Deep One.


Reserach the above in any order you wish, but make absolutely sure the live Deep One comes at the very end of the lot.


For Mag. Ion Armour, just make sure you've done Magnetic Navigation along with the Ion Armour. Any order will do.


Note that while Zrbite is not necessary for armour research, you need some for building it. Zrbite however is necessary for 'sub construction', and if I'm not mistaken, for disrupter pulse launchers, but don't quote me on that.



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Actually, I think I have researched as much as I can, but I don't have, yet, M.C. Readers, disrupters, etc. I do, on the other hand, have the M.C. Labs. Also, I have both the hammerhead and Manta, but not the Leviathin, yet. I think I still need the Commander, but if I do get one, will that be enough to get the other stuff?
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You must have at least one MC reader in stores before you complete your research on the M.C.-labs. It HAS to be there before the research progress hits 100%. For some odd reason, the game requires it. Odd, but that's how it goes. Since you cannot research the M.C.-Lab again, you'll not get it. Ever.


The MC disrupter needs the MC reader, plus any live tasoth (except the commander, for some fairly obvious reasons!).


As for the leviathan, you need a live lobsterman commander and the hammerhead. Hammerhead first, lobsterman afterwards. Oh, and just for your convenience, research 'alien origins' if you haven't before starting work on the commander. 'alien origins' and the 'lobsterman commander' give you 'The Ultimate Threat'. If you haven't done 'alien origins', you'll have to research a minimum of at least two more lobsterman commanders before you can win the game.


I forget, the MC generator appears right after you research the MC disrupter right? Can anyone confirm this? Need this for a little thing I'm putting together here. If anyone can mention any other prerequisites required for the MC generator, it would be much appreciated.



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Hmm... That sounds about right... generally if you stun all of them and the mission is over, they should be alive and ready to research, unless you've already researched them and/or you haven't built an alien containment unit, which I'm sure you've already done, so I wouldn't know what else to tell ya. Sorry.
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I read somewhere that you can only have 10 live aliens for 1 alien containment. So, if you capture 22 live aliens and have only 1 alien containment, you lose 12 live aliens. I read it somewhere, might've been here, don't remember though.
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Exactly how many aliens have you captured? Your containment unit has an upper limit to the number of alien types you can store at any given time. If I'm not mistaken, it's 10 of each type of alien per containment module. It could be something else... but yeah.


If you've captured a lot of 'soldier' class aliens, there won't be any space for the higher ranking aliens.


To get around this, research ALL those redundant soldiers. All of them. You need to make some space. In fact, might as well research everything in containment before attempting another capture. But all this work might take too long. It might be faster to set up a new containment module in a different base or two and send the redundant soldiers over there.


Next, to avoid getting into such situations, selectively capture your aliens. When you stun them, step over their body and pick it up to check what rank they are. For soldiers, you might want to plant a primed grenade on their bodies after picking up their gear, or just pick up their body and move it elsewhere for the nasty deed. Might want to pile up a few unconscious bodies to save on the explosives.


If you can, use the MC reader or MC disrupter to help you determine which aliens to capture and which aliens to kill.


You only need a small handful of aliens to get all the useful technologies and to win the game. Identifying them is the fun bit. :P


Everything else is just for atmosphere.



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Who exactally knows? I think they should remake the game and give some better graphics... Or if someone has the time and the will, they could always try to make another patch to fix all the bugs that still need to be tweaked... *Smacks self again and becomes a confused Weedle* Dah, Stun Spore! Oh crap... I've just poisoned myself... This is going to hurt... Dah!
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I always thought it was 10 of each species, regardless of rank. Oh well. No matter.


Let me summarise the main points I was trying to convey in my last post:


a. Selectively choose which aliens to capture and keep your containment as empty as possible. Only pick the important ones required for your research, like lobsterman commanders and at least one Deep-One, etc.


b. If you have too many redundant aliens in your containment, research them immediately, or transfer them to a different base to make some more space so that you can bring more aliens in.


I'm not planning to write the research entire tree. Just the primary research branch, which is by far the buggiest and most asked about. Armour - subs - T'Leth. It's almost done. I just need to double check my facts and perhaps get someone to edit it into something more readable and presentable.



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I am afraid you capture aliens correct, stun them and on the end of the mission you take them with you automaticly when you have an alien-containment, which you have, just be sure you didn't throw a grenade on the alien you had stunned or something which made him die.
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I thought they had changed things some for TFTD, and it was 10 of each type for each species. No limit to the amount of the type. Like you caught 12 soldiers, of say Aquatoids. Myself, I would have been researching them as fast as I can. I have one base that is for research and intercepts, etc. Another one for manufacturing, intercepts, etc. And the rest are for spotting and intercepting. I think I may modify my design for a base, and put 6 sub pens in, and have only one entrance, and the rest for stores, etc.
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