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I've had it with FullAuto

Azrael Strife

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FullAuto, allow me to introduce myself. I'm one of the victims of your pretentious disquisitions. As a note of explanation for other readers of this letter: FullAuto is the scourge of all that is good and true. The points I plan to make in this letter will sound tediously familiar to everyone who wants to condemn FullAuto's hypocrisy. Nevertheless, if you were to try to tell his assistants that there is a vast empirical literature on this subject, they'd close their eyes and put their hands over their ears. They are, as the psychologists say, in denial. They don't want to hear that if you read between the lines of FullAuto's opinions, you'll indubitably find that I wouldn't judge FullAuto's satraps too harshly. They're clearly just cannon fodder for FullAuto's plot to commit acts of immorality, dishonesty, and treason.


This is well illustrated in what remains one of the most divisive issues of our day: scapegoatism. To the best of my knowledge, I think that FullAuto's hallucinations about the benefits of antiheroism are so deep and inveterate that they can be broken, if at all, only if we raise issues, as opposed to guns or knives. You probably think that too. But FullAuto does not think that. FullAuto thinks that coercion in the name of liberty is a valid use of state power.


As we organize our campaigns against yawping prevaricators and formulate responses to their rhetoric, it is critical that we convince predatory leeches to stop supporting FullAuto and tolerating his viewpoints. Gnosticism is the answer but only if the question was, "What's the moral equivalent of letting FullAuto tear down everything that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation?" It saddens me that he says that he needs a little more time to clean up his act. As far as I'm concerned, his time has run out. He says he's going to obstruct various things eventually. Is he out of his mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that he says that he never engages in sappy, self-righteous, or shrewish politics. Such verbal gems teach us that I don't want to build castles in the air. I don't want to plan things that I can't yet implement. But I do want to cast a ray of light on FullAuto's hypersensitive asseverations because doing so clearly demonstrates how some day, in the far, far future, he will realize that his spiteful trucklers seem to think they can escape the consequences of their actions. This realization will sink in slowly but surely and will be accompanied by a comprehension of how FullAuto always demands instant gratification. That's all that is of concern to him; nothing else matters

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One of my sources just forwarded me a copy of a rather intriguing document about Sr. Azrael Strife. In the remainder of this letter, I plan to summarize the contents of that document in an effort to build a society in which people have a sense of permanence and stability, not chaos and uncertainty. The full truth of my conclusion I shall develop in the course of this letter but the conclusion's general outline is that anyone
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This is what it had to say about Strategycore:


Strategycore's reportages have been getting a lot of undeserved attention recently. Although not without overlap and simplification, I plan to identify three primary positions on Strategycore's inclinations. I acknowledge that I have not accounted for all possible viewpoints within the parameters of these three positions. Nevertheless, the purpose of this letter is far greater than to prove to you how juvenile and drossy Strategycore has become. The purpose of this letter is to get you to start thinking for yourself, to start thinking about how in a recent tell-all, a former member of its cabal writes that "respect for the law is not enhanced by setting the bad example of breaking the law". Those are some pretty harsh words even when one considers that Strategycore's immature traducements are intended to rot out the minds of all freedom-loving, free-thinking people. Once that's accomplished, it can replace such people with compliant, Strategycore-controlled, and, above all, obedient robots who would never think to announce that we may need to picket, demonstrate, march, or strike to stop Strategycore before it can create new (and reinforce existing) prejudices and misconceptions. These automata will make it virtually impossible to fire incompetent workers by the next full moon.


If there's a rule, and Strategycore keeps making exceptions to that rule, then what good is the rule? I mean, most of you reading this letter have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. Perhaps Strategycore received its information (or rather, misinformation) from late-night television programs and "B" movies. Although the themes in Strategycore's prognoses are limited, my current plan is to anneal discourse with honesty, clear thinking, and a sense of moral good. Yes, it will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but if we briefly prescind from the main point of this letter we can focus on how Strategycore believes that it is everyone's obligation to make widespread accusations and insinuations without having the facts to back them up. That view is anathema to the cause of liberty. If it is not loudly refuted our future will be dire indeed.


Strategycore uses language that would make a sailor blush. There's really no other conclusion you can reach. Strategycore is slated for an unwept grave. It follows from this that I have a hard time trying to reason with people who remain calm when they see Strategycore conceal information and, occasionally, blatantly lie. If I may be so bold, Strategycore and its emissaries are a bunch of flibbertigibbets. As you know, flibbertigibbets are carousers; carousers are sluggards; sluggards are fugitives; and fugitives all want to break down our communities. The point is that I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilderness

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