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Need Ideas for better Aliens, weapon changes


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Ok, now i see! Would that mean that one would have to prime all equipment when going into battle?


Interestingly my base is in deep debts for the second (or even third?) month now and still the game does not want to end... maybe a bug? I have to read about bankruptcy on the Online Ufopaedia asap. :oh:

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Civilian, I mean that all earth equipment is given the grenade flag. With the timer set to 0, and a blast power of 1, net effect is that equipment blows up when dropped. That way expenses of attrition increases considerably, coupled with more expensive weapons it means that you may have to pay closer attention to weapon cost when arming your troops. As is, cost of starting weapons is a completely irrelevant factor.

This probably wouldn't work for two reasons. First, equipment in the game has some "armor" against explosions. You would need to modify those values to 1 to have an effect. Secondly, the blast strength would need to be greater than object armor for items to be destroyed. Thus you would need to increase the damage to 2. This combination should work. :)


Ok, now i see! Would that mean that one would have to prime all equipment when going into battle?

Yup. And unless you modify the TU costs for priming all those items, you'll be looking at a lot of turns just to set things up. :oh:


Interestingly my base is in deep debts for the second (or even third?) month now and still the game does not want to end... maybe a bug? I have to read about bankruptcy on the Online Ufopaedia asap. ;)

If you reload an end-of-month save where you are in debt for 2 million or more (or if score is below the tolerance level dictated by difficulty), you will get shut down that time. But if you reload again, you will not get shut down. However, if you abort the game and then reload you always will get shut down. So it's a bug of some sort. :)


- Zombie

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The purpose of exploding earth gear (combined with zero resale value and a sharp price increase) is to force the player to think harder about which weapons he wants to use. Imagine having to fork over $7k for a Dart Gun, $30k for a Jet Harpoon and $64k for a Gas Cannon, 10x normal prices. On top of that, whenever you lose a soldier all his gear is ruined. What would you choose? Gauss equipment could even be turned into a cheaper way to arm your troops, but requiring a significant entry cost by raising the hiring cost of technicians significantly. It always bored me that expenses for earth gear were completely insignificant.
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Imagine having to fork over $7k for a Dart Gun, $30k for a Jet Harpoon and $64k for a Gas Cannon, 10x normal prices. On top of that, whenever you lose a soldier all his gear is ruined. It always bored me that expenses for earth gear were completely insignificant.

Is artificially jacking up the buy price realistic though? I mean, an X-COM commander would never authorize the purchase of a weapon if it cost that much no matter how "advanced" you could make the description sound. ;)


Can one set the the pay prices and sell prices for weapons independently? If yes, all problems are solved. :oh:

Sure, those are found in the executable right next to each other. But you'll need to use Jenny's editor or a hex editor if that doesn't work for you. :)


- Zombie

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Is artificially jacking up the buy price realistic though? I mean, an X-COM commander would never authorize the purchase of a weapon if it cost that much no matter how "advanced" you could make the description sound. :oh:

I quite agree, but I'm fortunate enough as to be completely unphased by concerns of realism ;) I really like the dynamics of steep purchase cost, no resale value and losing items in the field more often. I've also increased the weight of all items to make some of the more powerful starting items less accessible early on.

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Great idea! This TFTD campaign will be difficult, that's for sure! :oh: However, my EU campaign is still not finished, even with 4 soldiers only and my hard settings the tactical part of the game is far too easy, mainly because of the Blaster Launcher and the PSI amplifiers. I will not use MC disruptors in the TFTD game, that's for sure.


The Celatoid, Reaper and Silacoid changes did nothing, they are still too weak, they don't attack, they actually seem to avoid any battle and still die with one hit.


I am looking forward to the higher difficulty level of TFTD.


edit: Ok my EU game is finally over! After the ~4th month with debts of around 12 millions I lost. However, I only lost because at the beginning I played like I would have played an unmodded game with a higher income. I simply could not come back from that huge minus at the start, my mistake...


Still: A victory even at that difficulty is clearly possible. I was doing the final researches, even could have built flying armour if I had paid more attention to the cash flow. ;)


CU in the TFTD forums soon?

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I agree with MC being the biggest exploit of the game, but Panic MC would be balanced imo. Especially if limited to aliens in range. I also observed those close combat aliens from EU being absolutely useless, I think it's just poor AI. Close combat aliens in TFTD are far more lethal :oh:


Campaign thread is up here!

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I agree with MC being the biggest exploit of the game, but Panic MC would be balanced imo. Especially if limited to aliens in range. I also observed those close combat aliens from EU being absolutely useless, I think it's just poor AI. Close combat aliens in TFTD are far more lethal ;)


Campaign thread is up here!


Gee, thanks! And yes, Panic-Psi seems to be ok, the aliens in TFTD are much stronger. I learned that the hard way in my first missions in my new campaign :oh:

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