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XCOM apocalypse modding


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Hi guys.


I`ve recently aqcuired xcom apocalypse and some modding utilities among which is a taced map editor. This one is a great and quite easy to use editor, however there is a problem with "connect.exe" program.


This file is used to create valid pasfinding routes for both enemy and xcom units. I can`t make it to work so i thought that some one here may point me to a manual or smth like that.

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Is this the official editor released by Microprose? If so, I may have a "manual" of sorts on my computer somewhere. I don't think it'll help you with the connect.exe issue though. If I find it I'll let you know. :oh:


- Zombie

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The problem turned out to be more serious than just pasfinding issues. This connect utility also connects LOS (line of sight) and spawn points... So no connect - no spawn, los and movement... and no new maps :oh:
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Thanks. Thats a pity...


Are there any text editors for apoc? Or do i have to use hex editors to change item names, descriptions and such?

Again, I don't know of any editors that do this, so hex-editing is probably the only way for now. :oh:


In general there isn't much for Apocalypse out there in terms of third party utilities or editors. The game may have been fun for some, but it really didn't inspire many people to create a utility like in Enemy Unknown or Terror From The Deep. There are some exceptions though (notably j'ordos who has the great Apoc'd and Roadwar utilities).


- Zombie

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Thanks. This Apoc`d utility is pretty good. Wish any other game could have such a easy-to-use and effective editor...


About text. Well, names can be easily edited in apoc`d, so this part is solved. Ufopedia texts can be edited in any hex, so this one also is less of a problem.


The only problem that still remains - maps. I have a fully reworked xcom base with plenty of new tiles and objects, but it is not playable without proper "connect". In addition i have created several variants of transport UFO map. One is rotated 90 degree and the second one is heavily damaged ufo with numerous entry points and a lot of dangers...

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Sorry, wasn't sure what Apoc'd was capable of anymore, but it is a great tool nonetheless. J'ordos was talking about integrating a map editor into Apoc'd at one time (I think), though I'm not sure what happened anymore. It's possible he had trouble. :oh:


- Zombie

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Quick intervention is necessary here. :oh:

Unfortunately I have absolutely no near term plans on adding any map editing support for Apoc'd. Besides needing a graphical user interface and the ability to read the pck image format used in xcom apoc, tactical maps seem to be rather complicated (if I'd ever start with this cityscape maps would probably go first)

UFOpaedia editing is on the to do list though, once I figure out the 'header' file so it will be possible to vary the length of the entries.

If anyone else would like to program a map editor I'd be happy to help figuring out the files though ;)


Anyway, all taced downloads I've seen so far already included a manual txt file, there's no info on connect.exe in there?

edit: OK found it, this is all the info on connect.exe I was able to find in that text file:


1) Deleting and adding zones, use of Connect.exe

You can view the LOS zones by hitting Shift-S. The LOS zones control movement, as well as line of site, on the map. To place a zone you must start in an area not covered by another zone. If a zone is present you will get a warning tone. You can delete a zone by right clicking on the zone border. NOTE: There is no "undo" in LOS mode so be careful when editing zones. Zones can be 1D, 2D, or 3D. Placing the zone area is done in the same manner as selecting a cutting area. The placement of zones should follow the natural landscape. Remember, once an XCOM squaddie enters the zone, the ENTIRE area of the zone is revealed. Since most of us can't see through stone walls, try to keep your zones small to avoid giving too much of the map away.

Once the entire map is covered by LOS zones you may begin to change the properties of each zone. To check for any uncovered areas, hit CRTL-S to check zone integrity. Areas not covered will be displayed in (x,y,z) coordinates. Now you can begin changing the LOS data.


2) Changing XCOM, civilian, and alien deployment

To change the LOS data, hit Alt-S and the LOS zones will be displayed in the overhead view. Select the zone(s) you wish to modify by left clicking on the light green square at the corner of the zone., and hit Alt-S again. A small dialog box will appear. If you select several zones with different properties, some of the options will appear to be blank. Changing these options will affect ALL selected zones!

The first section controls the DEPLOYMENT of aliens, XCOM, and civilians. In the left-hand box, you can set the type of unit to be deployed. Valid values are 0=XCOM (red zone border), 1=Aliens (green zone border), and 2=civilian (yellow zone border). The next option is the PRIORITY for deployment. Higher numbers increase the chance that a unit will be placed in that zone. The next two options control whether large units or walking units can be deployed. Try not to deploy units in mid-air! The fall could be hazardous to their health! NOTE: If you eliminate all alien deployment zones (green), the aliens will appear in odd locations (perhaps right NEXT to your troops!)

The right-hand box controls AI behavior in the zone. The options are "Patrol Priority" (have units patrol the area) and "Target Priority" (have units go to this area). Using different priorities can help to scatter units all over the battlescape (as in XCOM: UFO Defense). NOTE: Usually, aliens units end up clumped together (all anthropods in one place, all spitters in another). Try to vary the priority settings to get a good balance of unit placement.

BTW Zombie, I noticed the map editor isn't in the files section yet, might make a good addition. You can still find it here: https://freelancer.ag.ru/gamearchive/download/index_eng.shtml

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Thanks. I`m aware of this manual and i read it already. As you can see there is no actual info on how connect.exe works, just a slight mentioning of it.


There is a file with instructions on how to launch connect.exe, but this utility doesn`t seem to be working in windows enviroment. Here what this instruction says:


Connection Of Areas Utility


After new sections have been designed the areas need to be connected for

movement and deployment to work properly.

The connnect.exe program must be put in the tacexe directory.All maps files

for the directory to be connected(i.e .sdt,.smp,.sls) must be on the

harddrive.To work properly a full install is needed(or at least all of the

tacdata and ufodata directories must be on the hard drive.

To connect a directory (for example the senate directory 01SENATE) from the

xcom3 directory type:

tacexe\connect "number of directory" CD "CD DRIVE LETTER":

i.e if your cd is drive d type:


tacexe\connect 1 CD D:


This will connect all sections and may take a few minutes. To connect other

directories just change the number.

(i.e astrodome would be tacexe\connect 10 CD D: which would connect

the 10ASTRO directory).


I have a full install and original CD that is always working when i`m playing apoc (musics and videos). I run connect.exe from command line. The program starts to load and than it just hangs. Noting happens for hours, so this is defenetly a 'crash'. I tried to connect other files - the same problem.


Here is what i use to connect my base maps (runnin from tacexe folder):


connect 37 CD E:

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I tried it in dosbox, however i was running a d`fend utility with cd, sound and other options.


Perhaps i should try to run it in classic dosbox.




Well. It seemes to work!


My problem was that i run the program from tacexe folder not from xcom root folder.


Thanks everybody.

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So you need to put connect.exe in the root folder? Or do you mean you actually need to type in 'tacexe\connect X CD Y:' from the root folder for the program to work (can't see how that could make any difference)?



The second is correct. I also was confused by this instruction. Typing tacexe\connect x cd y seems to have some connection to some exe files in root and other folders.

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J`ordos is it possible to change starting equipment of xcom soldiers? And is it possible to change other equipment that you are starting with (bolter lasers, missile and cannon rounds and such)?
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  • 2 weeks later...

No I haven't been able to find that information yet.


Edit: slightly unrelated but interesting: if you're making new maps you might be interested in offset 1271818 (decimal) of TACP.EXE: if you change that one to 1 (should be 0 by default) it activates some sort of debug mode. When you go into a battle the entire map will be visible with all units(you can also see their orders on the minimap). The AI takes control of your troops so you can just sit back and watch how it performs.

I don't know if the offset will be the same for all versions, here's what it should look like in a hex editor:

00 00 63 00 00 FF 00 00

The part in bold is, ofcourse, the training mode var.

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Edit: slightly unrelated but interesting: if you're making new maps you might be interested in offset 1271818 (decimal) of TACP.EXE: if you change that one to 1 (should be 0 by default) it activates some sort of debug mode. When you go into a battle the entire map will be visible with all units(you can also see their orders on the minimap). The AI takes control of your troops so you can just sit back and watch how it performs.

I don't know if the offset will be the same for all versions, here's what it should look like in a hex editor:

00 00 63 00 00 FF 00 00

The part in bold is, of course, the training mode var.

Holy smokes, nice find j'ordos! :oh:


I seem to recall the beta of Apocalypse was supposed to have a debug mode but it didn't work. Maybe it's just this offset which needs to be changed in order to get it to work again. ;)


- Zombie

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