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Look for a strategy to find the last alien


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Really often, I can't find the last alien in colony or in artefact site...


Do u get a good strategy to find him...


I look for a small program which can locate the alien directly in save and give me its location (x, y and level)..


Usually I evacuate the colony after detroying the command system but in this way I don t recover all the items (good to sell).


Thanks in advance




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You could theoretically sweep the entire base with 16 soldiers if they all moved alone, but this is generally a bad idea. I prefer to move in two man teams.


What you can do is drop a prox grenade at the entrance to a room as you leave the room. If an alien moves in there after you're gone, he'll set the grenade off giving you an idea of where he is.

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Hey :hmmm: careful umbriel. There's only one veteran around here and that's official! :P

I usually find that the last alien in a colony always hides in the small three square cupboard rooms... They're in the left hand (screen) corner of a normal 10x10 room and have a door in the top right.

In artifact sites they just seem to potter about upstairs until someone finds them. (unless you haven't checked all of the crevices in the outer ring of the main chamber, in which case try them)

I do strongly suggest against using a program though. One does exist but I don't know what or where it is so I couldn't tell you if I wanted to. Don't use it though. A large part of playing the game in these situations is perseverance.

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Ok, you r the only veteran :) (except in UFO.. Because I sucess in surhuman level in 7-8h of play...)


In my actual save game, i detroy the command center of the colony in the 20th turn (and killing every alien on my way..). I m actually at turn 75, i still not find the last alien :P ... So it s why i m looking for a small programm to find them (or a autocommand for my aquanauts to explore themselves the colony)... I admit it is funny to find the last alien and kill him (I control him before and make he go front of my men) but not after 50 turn searching him...


Umbriel small veteran :)

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After 120 turn... I find him in a small room... It was a navigator (i controled him and use a thermic tazer)...


I prefer to attack USO because they can t hide too long...


So I finished my 2nd colony, 6 more too clear the earth.


Umbriel the small veteran :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've never had an alien go to the second floor in a base defence mission... Actually I've never had to save after a base defence mission either but that's just because I only do them for fun. I occasionally sell my defences so I get a mission!

But do the aliens ever go onto the second floor? Except in the access lift...

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In TFTD, there is 2 kind of aliens:

- Aliens always at the same place (commander in control room of a colony, floating brain at each corner of the central room in "Alien Activity" Mission.

- Others aliens (ramdom place)... Soldier and so on...


One thing i dont like in TFTD is the fact that u find always the same kind of alien in colony (Tasoth in "surface", Loberman in lower level)... I prefer UFO when u find a particular race in each colony.


I can understand that there is always the same kind of aliens in the higher level -> it is the defender. But in the heart of the base, I think it is normalto find different races. When you look the USO which supplied the colony, who can see several race (fishmen, tasoth, aquatoide, etc...) so I think it strange that we cant find any menber of these race (fishmen, in particular) in the colony...


Is everybody understand what i mean ???


Umbriel the small veteran

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You can do what you ask with XCOMUTIL.... (by swapping with the aliens), be sure to save it in a savegame DIFFERENT of the one you're playing, as you can't supposedly continue to play after swapping with the aliens and finishing the mission...
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You can continue playing as the aliens. Try playing a two or three parter mission with an alien crew. Plenty of fun if you're made up of lobstermen.


The only problem is that your Triton will fly home without a crew and all the 'aliens' you were controlling will vanish ala the 'X-Com' Chryssalid in UFO.


By the way, it's lot easier to just use the VIS option, and make the entire map visible. Check your overhead map to spot the dastardly buggers.




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So... has anyone ever cleared ALL the alien bases (I'm guessing there must be eight) or does anyone know what happens when you clear ALL the alien artifact sites (I recall reading somewhere that there were also eight of these, tho I could be wrong...).


Do you win by dfault cos there are no aliens left, or do more bases magically appear?

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Yes to that. You can always rebuild a destroyed base, whether done by the aliens or you decomissioned the grav-lift yourself.


I lost a few satelite bases due to some atrocious planning. i.e. I built the base, but forgot to hire guards. Oops :P. Good thing you're allowed to rebuild.




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Usually I dont use guard for sattelite bases...


I build 5 of the toughest defense (fusion for exemple) and 1 gravity shield (I dont remenber the name in TFTD)... That s mean my base fired 10 shots against the alien UFO (and USO).... Usually 3-4 hits are enought to destroyed them.


Umbriel the small veteran

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Bombardment shield.


3 PWT defence modules and a bombardment shield is usually all you'll ever need. It at least gives them a sporting chance of succeeding once in a while. Add one more bombardment shield and nothing whatsoever will get in.


But impenetrable bases are a bad idea. They'll just keep sending a ship against your base until one gets through. I sometimes wish there were an auto-combat feature for base defense. It gets incredibly annoying since the ships keep coming every few days. It gets even worse if the same base ticked off two, three or more groups of aliens at a time.




edit: This edit was done in 2008 - and I'd like to point out that I am entirely wrong about the extra bombardment shield. Only one will work. Not playing the game for a while and only having anecdotal memories leave you like this. :P

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Humm, i use to built only two PWT defenses, one sonic defense and a bombarment shield. Is enought to take all type of ships down. Of course, in harder levels, it might need more than that.


Back to topic.


Did someone thought about flatting the hole base ? Take all DPL and ammo in the surface and make shure all yr soldiers are carring loads and loads of missiles. Just blast the base apart. Of course you're gonna loose some acquaplastics and bodies, but after all you'll won't need to keep seaching all the place toward one single alien for hours...

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