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I've never listening to a podcast, mainly because of the reasons you mentioned. Being unfunny. I find most people that do these amateur intarwebz things pretty uninteresting. Most of them are the "funny" people of whatever little social circle they're in. All of their friends/co-workers probably told them "you should do stand-up comedy" not realizing most stand-up is also unfunny and horrible (Carlos Mencia anyone?)


All in all, I want to punch these people in the face. Who's with me?!

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Count me in. ;)


To be fair though, it may not be friends or the relatives fault. These folks probably believe deep down that they are funny. I mean, look at some of the tryouts for American Idol. Some need no persuasion whatsoever to get up in front of the American public and make a complete fool of themselves. Maybe it's "delusions of grandeur" which overrides common sense? :oh:


- Zombie

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